RAPID CITY--With a month left in 2017, the City has achieved the second highest year for building permit valuation. The City's Building Services Division issued 349 building permits in November with a total valuation for the month of $18,784,979.
Through 11 months of this year, the City has issued 3,726 building permits with a total valuation of $261,221,624. The 2017 year-to-date total valuation surpassed the 2011 valuation total of nearly $259 million and is second only to last year's record permit valuation of $320,054,359.
Top permits issued in November included: Rural America Initiatives for the new RAI facility at 2112 S. Valley Drive ($6,108,911) and Fox LLC for a series of storage facilities at 2171 Moon Meadows Drive ($1,173,000). Other top-valued permits include Rapid City Regional Hospital for pharmacy and infusion alterations ($850,000); Black Hills Power Inc. for a Black Hills Energy child care addition, 7001 Mount Rushmore Road ($605,571); and Marlin Credit Holdings LLC for Pro-Mark Services, 2136 Marlin Drive ($460,000).