Click below on the summary report and also on the list and details of projects supported by the utility rates, and other information.
Cost of Service and Utility Rate Analysis Recommendation Summary ( pdf, 474 KB )
Rapid City Preliminary Summary Report ( pdf, 391 KB )
Exhibit 1 Water Rate Analysis Revenue Requirement Summary ( pdf, 1.68 MB )
Utility Rate Surcharge Estimation ( pdf, 179 KB )
RAPID CITY, SD (January 25, 2024): The City of Rapid City released a video this week detailing the importance of investing in infrastructure improvements through revisions to the City’s water rate schedule.
The video is on the City’s YouTube channel and is being partnered with social media messages and development of an informational brochure. City officials indicate the goal of the messaging is to emphasize the importance of addressing the City’s infrastructure needs now and in the future.
Check out the video: 2024 Water Rate/Infrastructure Video (
One video excerpt addresses the need to invest in new water-related infrastructures, resulting in adjusted water rates in Rapid City. “Our population is increasing each year and as Rapid City continues its expansion, we need to improve the city’s infrastructure, in this case, water treatment and distribution to ensure all of us have access to plentiful and clean drinking water”.
The video references the City earning recognition for drinking water excellence for the past 20 years and the importance of investing in numerous projects to upgrade, modernize and replace aging water and water reclamation infrastructure.
On January 2, the City Council approved the second reading to adjust the rate schedule for the City’s Water Utility through 2029. The revenue from the revised rates will address aging facilities and infrastructure, and fund needed public works projects in the community.
“The revised rates are investments in needed projects, in our citizens and in our community,” said Mayor Jason Salamun. “The video and social media messages are important tools to share information with our citizens on how this additional revenue will invest in, and benefit, our community with upgrading and renovating facilities, constructing facilities to address future growth and replacing aging public infrastructure.”
In addition to the video and social media messages, the City is also producing a tri-fold brochure which explains the rate adjustments, increases in operations and maintenance expenditures and the challenges faced by the City with aging infrastructure and adapting to the city’s growth.
The rates paid by City utility customers are used for the maintenance and operation of Deerfield and Pactola Dams, Jackson Springs Treatment Plant, Mountain View Treatment Plant, the South Side Water Reclamation facility, 16 reservoirs, 14 booster pump stations, nine wells and eight sewer lift stations.
City Council approved utility rate revisions January 2
RAPID CITY, SD—Tuesday’s (January 16) meeting of the Rapid City Council included a presentation on the City’s upcoming rate adjustments, including information on how the rates paid by the public supports critical public works projects.
After completing a comprehensive revenue and cost-of-service analysis, the City Council approved the second reading of an ordinance adopting a revised rates structure for the City’s water utility. The revenue from these revised rates will address aging facilities and infrastructure, and fund much-needed public works projects in the community.
A number of critical projects are required over the next five years to support the City’s utility divisions, ensure regulatory compliance, and provide adequate capacity for increased demand. More than two dozen infrastructure projects have been identified in the City’s Master Plan as ‘high priority projects’ that are slated to be funded with the revised rates.
These projects include upgrades and improvements to the City’s water reclamation facility which are already underway; development of an east side water treatment facility; upgrades and renovations at the 62-year old Mountain View treatment plant; and a proposed maintenance facility to protect City equipment. These projects are in addition to the numerous reconstruction and utility improvement projects the City undertakes throughout the community each year.
To learn more details and information about the rates, visit the City’s website with a featured news item on the home page and also on the Public Works Department page.
The rates you pay for water and sewer support the maintenance and operation of:
**Deerfield and Pactola Dams, Jackson Springs Treatment Plant, and Mountain View Treatment Plant
**16 reservoirs, 14 booster pump stations, and 9 wells
**South Side Water Reclamation Facility
**8 sewer lift stations
Utility rates also support:
**Billing and administration of more than 27,570 utility accounts, including repair and installation of water meters
**Approximately 2.2 million feet of water distributions mains
**About 368 miles of sanitary sewer main, accessed by 7,671 manholes
**Emergency repairs of both water and sewer main breaks
**Routine and emergency jetting of sewer mains to keep lines free from blockage
**Conducting thousands of samples and tests each year to comply with State and Federal regulations
**Replacement of water and sewer mains, as well as booster and lift stations, that are at the end of their useful life
CITY UTILITY RATES/Presentations to Council and where to get details
Public Works Department staff made a number of presentations on City utility rates and planned revisions in 2023 to City Council members and the public at various committee meetings. You can view these presentations by visiting the City’s website at and clicking on the ‘Meetings’ tab. Here is the date of the presentations.
**May 15: ‘Rates 101’: City Council meeting
**October 10/November 14: City’s Public Works Committee meetings
**October 11/November 15: City’s Legal & Finance Committee meetings
Click below on the summary report and also on the list and details of projects supported by the utility rates, and other information.
Cost of Service and Utility Rate Analysis Recommendation Summary ( pdf, 474 KB )
Rapid City Preliminary Summary Report ( pdf, 391 KB )
Exhibit 1 Water Rate Analysis Revenue Requirement Summary ( pdf, 1.68 MB )
Utility Rate Surcharge Estimation ( pdf, 179 KB )