June 04, 2020

Survey To Collect Public Input On Sixth Street Corridor Study



Two-week online survey will

collect feedback on Corridor priorities

RAPID CITY, SD--The next step in possible development of the Sixth Street corridor from the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center to the Performing Arts Center began this week (June 4)) with the public invited to participate in an online survey.

            The online survey is available through June 17 at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sixthstreetstudy .

            The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization is working to establish a collaborative vision for the Sixth Street corridor and exploring opportunities to make the area more walkable, bikeable and livable, including an improved crossing of Omaha Street. 

            The Sixth Street Corridor Study Survey will obtain feedback and input on the public's priorities and needs for the Corridor area.  Preliminary recommendations have been developed. 

            More information about the study is available at www.sixthstreetstudy.com . If you have questions, contact Kip Harrington, project manager, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 394-4120.


Thank you,

Darrell W. Shoemaker | Communications Coordinator

T: 605.721.6686 | M: 605.939.8551

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

W: www.rcgov.org

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