April 17, 2018

RC School District Receives Sustainability Award

Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender and Council member Darla Drew are joined by Rapid City Area School and North Middle School officials, and Sustainability Committee members.  The Rapid City School District was presented with the Sustainability Award for the North Middle School courtyard and drainage improvement project. Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender and Council member Darla Drew are joined by Rapid City Area School and North Middle School officials, and Sustainability Committee members. The Rapid City School District was presented with the Sustainability Award for the North Middle School courtyard and drainage improvement project. City Photo/Darrell Shoemaker

North Middle School Courtyard and Exterior Drainage Project Recognized

RAPID CITY, SD--The Rapid City Area School District is being recognized with the Rapid City Sustainability Award for the Courtyard and Exterior Drainage Improvements Project at North Middle School.

            The District was recognized at the April 16 City Council meeting.  The quarterly award is presented by Rapid City's Standing Committee on Sustainability, recognizing projects that contribute to the societal, environmental and economic viability of Rapid City.

            The former courtyard space at North Middle School was in a severe state of disrepair and, due to problems with poor drainage, was causing damage to the school building and eroding the ground and foundation beneath the building. In order to prevent further damage and properly handle storm water runoff, the Rapid City School District chose to remodel the courtyard with a design that would not only address the drainage issues, but also achieve other objectives that would benefit the students, staff, school building, and environment, as well as save the Rapid City Area Schools money in the long-term.

            Improvements included creating an easier-to-maintain space, maximizing the use of the courtyard space, improving occupant health and safety by eliminating mold issues and trip hazards, saving the existing mature trees located in the courtyard, improving accessibility, and enhancing the students’ learning at the school.

            The courtyard improvements were the first phase of the project and were conducted in the summer of 2016. The second phase of the project involved similar improvements to the exterior of the school building and was completed in the summer of 2017.

            The Rapid City Standing Committee on Sustainability encourages education, stewardship and policy leadership that will make the community a leader in economic, social and environmental sustainability.  Meetings are open to the public at 5:30 pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month.  More information, including a Sustainability Award application form, is available at: https://www.rcgov.org/public-meetings/city-committees/standing-committee-on-sustainability-497.html.


Thank you,

Darrell W. Shoemaker | Communications Coordinator

T: 605.721.6686 | M: 605.939.8551

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

W: www.rcgov.org

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