League of American Bicyclists Seeking
Online Input From Local Bikers
RAPID CITY, SD—Rapid City is under consideration for recognition as a Bicycle Friendly Community.
The League of American Bicyclists is seeking input from bicyclists in the Rapid City community as part of its review process for selection. The Spring 2021 Bicycle Friendly Community review process is officially underway and City officials are encouraging bike enthusiasts to share their feedback at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/App_BFC_Sp21 The survey will remain open through Wednesday, March 31.
“We are pleased to be considered for this special recognition,” said City Long Range Planner Kip Harrington. “Equally important is the feedback that is generated from the survey. We encourage anyone local bicyclists and residents to participate in the survey as the results and feedback are shared directly back with City officials. That information can be valuable and helpful in addressing issues and working to broaden quality of life experiences for Rapid City residents in the future.”
Harrington also said the survey results are shared with the League of American Bicyclists’ network of bike advocates and League members, many who travel the country seeking bicycle-friendly experiences.
Award results will be announced in May. For more information about the League of American Bicyclists, visit www.bikeleague.org .