Rapid City, S.D. – The Rapid City Fire Department responded to 21,494 calls for service in 2022. That is a minimum change from 21,485 calls in 2021.
A breakdown of the calls for service goes as follows:
Medical Only including Mobile Medic: 16,741
Fires & Potential Fires: 1,831
Service Calls, including Airport: 850
Hazardous Condition, Rescue & Other: 1,993
Aid Given to Other Departments: 79
Total: 21,494
There were 10,473 patients transported by our medic units and our Mobile Medic Program responded to 2,450 calls in 2022. A breakdown of Patient Care Reports goes as follows:
Patients Evaluated/Treated: 11,613
No Patient Found/Cancelled in Route/Patient Refusal: 6,917
Dedicated Event Standby: 152
Fire/EMS Incident Standby: 547
Transport Only: 223
Unknown: 2
Total: 19,454
There were 119 building fires with property values totaling $545,609,670. Total fire losses accounted for $2,721,980, which equates to 99.5% of the property contents being saved.
Fire sprinklers resulted in a total of $17,638,100 in building and contents being protected. In buildings where fire sprinklers activated, the damage from flames, heat, smoke, water, and other suppression operations only accounted for $37,500 in losses.
In 2022, there was one civilian fire related fatality, four civilian fire related injuries, and one firefighter injury while operating at a fire incident.