April 06, 2018

Planning Commission Approves Apartment Complex & Johnson Ranch Subdivision Development

RAPID CITY, SD--The Rapid City Planning Commission today approved three planned developments including an apartment complex in north Rapid City and for a residential development in the Johnson Ranch Subdivision area.

            The Commission approved a request by Select Construction for Doeck LLC for an apartment complex at 3124 Champion Drive.  The project, located to the west of Haines Avenue, is a two-phase development with a total of six three-story apartment buildings for a total of 72 apartment units and six garage structures with a total of 62 garage spaces. 

            The Commission also approved requests by KTM Design Solutions, Inc. for Yasmeen Dream LLC for residential development in the Johnson Ranch Subdivision.  The development is part of a four-phase project and includes 52 single family residential lots, one multi-family residential lot, four commercial lots, a neighborhood park, a wetland and drainage tracts.   The project is located in the southwest corner of St. Patrick Street and East Highway 44.


Thank you,

Darrell W. Shoemaker | Communications Coordinator

T: 605.721.6686 | M: 605.939.8551

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

W: www.rcgov.org

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