July 05, 2018

Patriotic Flower-Power: Flag-in-Flowers On Display at Major Intersection

City Greenhouse Specialist John Berglund and the City's flag-in-flowers at the intersection of Omaha and West Boulevard. City Greenhouse Specialist John Berglund and the City's flag-in-flowers at the intersection of Omaha and West Boulevard. (City Photo/Darrell Shoemaker)

RAPID CITY, SD--Independence Day observances have come and gone for the most part, but in Rapid City, one enduring natural image of America and patriotism will be on display for several more weeks.

   City Greenhouse Specialist John Berglund planted several dozen Petunias in the City's frontage flower area at the intersection of Omaha and West Boulevard in May.  The result is a colorful and natural reproduction of the United States flag with red, white and dark purple Petunias.

   "It was my first time trying it, so I thought I'd give it a shot," said Berglund.  "It's really showing its colors."

   Berglund is pleased at the reaction he's received from the public and is already planning to plant the flag-in-flowers again next summer with some changes.  He would like to raise the bed at an angle to maximize viewing by the driving public.   He says this year's flag-flower display should sty in bloom for several weeks of the summer.

   The flag-in-flowers is part of more than 30,000 flowers, bushes and grasses planted by Berglund and City crews in May and early June in several of the City's parks, frontage and landscaped areas.





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