Rapid City News Room (727 items)

City officials, business leaders, Chamber officials and residents gathered for Wednesday's groundbreaking ceremony for the third and final phase of the Mount Rushmore Road Reconstruction Project. Council members Lisa Modrick, Ritchie Nordstrom and Darla Drew were among those attending the ceremony.  Modrick, a member of the Mount Rushmore Road Reconstruction…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/March 14, 2017   CITY PARKS & RECREATION SEEKING SEASONAL EMPLOYEES Many positions available at City's pools, parks and greenhouse   RAPID CITY--The City's Parks and Recreation Department is seeking applicants for a number of seasonal positions including jobs at the City's parks and greenhouse as well as…
February rate moves above 600 youth passenger trips per day   RAPID CITY--The number and percentage of youth using the RapidRide System continues to increase with February daily numbers setting new records.                 For February's 18 service days, there were 10,907 youth passenger trips on RapidRide, or an average of…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/March 1, 2017     PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE APPROVES ORDINANCE REGULATIONS ON PARK USAGE Proposal Goes to Monday's City Council Meeting RAPID CITY--For the first time in many years, the City is revising regulations on use of the City's parks.             At Tuesday's meeting, the City's Public Works…
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." >   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/February 27, 2017   MUNICIPAL AND SCHOOL CANDIDATES BEGIN CIRCULATING PETITIONS MARCH 1 Election Packets for City, School Elections Available   RAPID CITY--Candidates for mayor, alderman and the school board can begin circulating petitions Wednesday.  The municipal and school elections are scheduled for Tuesday, June…
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." >   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/February 20, 2017   MAIN STREET WATER LINE REPAIRS COMPLETE, TRAFFIC LANE OPENS   RAPID CITY--City crews have completed repairs on the water line on Main Street, east of East Boulevard near the Post Office and all lanes of traffic in the impacted area are…
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." > FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/February 16, 2017   OPEN HOUSES TO FOCUS ON DOWNTOWN ARCHITECUTURAL SURVEY, ZONING Public sessions scheduled for March 7, 8   RAPID CITY--The public is invited to two open houses next month for an update of the Downtown Master Plan land use zoning recommendations and review…
The City has a number of helpful telephone numbers for the public to report issues, such as street lights with outages or damage; or potholes or a code enforcement issue. To report street light damage or an outage, contact the City's Traffic Operations/Engineering Services at 394-4118. To report a pothole,…
As the City's 23,000 utility customers receive their February statements, they will notice a few changes. The two most important features are a new online payment system and the issuance of a new account number. To pay the utility bill online, customers can log in to selfservice.rcgov.org . Once there,…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/February 1, 2017    CITY OPENS 2017 WITH SECOND-HIGHEST JANUARY PERMIT VALUATION ON RECORD City Issues 168 Permits With More Than $35 Million in Valuation   RAPID CITY--Rapid City has started 2017 on a high note, issuing 168 building permits in January with a total valuation of $35,427,528. …

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