Rapid City News Room (727 items)

Rapid City, S.D. – Now that the weather is warming up, many students are walking to and from school. With more children choosing to walk or bike to school, the RCAS and RCPD would like to remind drivers to be vigilant and slow down in school zones. Safety is a…
AMBER OLDFIELD NAMED RAPID CITY'S FIRST HIDDEN HERO New City honor recognizes caregivers of veterans   RAPID CITY--Amber Oldfield, who was selected last year by the Elizabeth Dole Foundation to serve as South Dakota's Dole Fellow for her efforts as a veteran caregiver and caregiver advocate, has been recognized as…
Officials pushing to bring areas into compliance; West Rapid City neighborhood to be reviewed in April   RAPID CITY--Beginning this month, the City's Code Enforcement Division will conduct inspections and enforcement in Rapid City neighborhoods for violations of city codes.             Letters will be sent to more than 950 residences…
The Rapid City Police Department wants strong, dedicated, community-oriented people on its Team.  If this is you; apply today!  Learn more at: http://www.rcgov.org/departments/police-department.html   *** The Department is currently accepting applications for the position of police officer. The RCPD is seeking highly motivated candidates from all walks of life to apply…
Volunteers and coordinators of volunteer service organizations gathered in Council Chambers Tuesday as Mayor Steve Allender signed and presented a proclamation declaring April 4 as National Service Recognition Day in Rapid City. Last year, in the Rapid City area, volunteer programs such as the Black Hills Foster Grandparent Program, Black…
Rapid City, S.D - Because of a huge amount of inquiry from the Rapid City area, the Rapid City Fire Department will serve as a drop-off location for items donated to the victims of this past weekends tragic fire in Spearfish.  If citizens wish to drop off donations in the…
CITY PRESENTING HIDDEN HERO OF THE MONTH AWARDS   RAPID CITY--The City of Rapid City is beginning a new recognition program to honor caregivers of veterans in the community.             Beginning in April, the City will present the Hidden Hero of the Month Award, recognizing caregivers of veterans who served…
The Rapid City Fire Department hosted the Recruit Graduation Ceremony at The Journey Museum Thursday with a dozen recruits graduating. The Rapid City Firefighters Pipe and Drum Corps and the Department's Honor Guard opened the ceremony with the presentation of colors followed by an introduction and remarks by Interim Fire…
AIR FORCE STAFF SERGEANT IS MARCH VETERAN OF THE MONTH   RAPID CITY--Staff Sergeant Christian Messina, who enlisted in the United States Air Force in 2011 due to the ongoing war on terror and to make a contribution to changing the world for the better, has been named Rapid City's…
Women's History Month: A Look Back 20th Century Women Sought, Won Local Office; Paved Way for Today's Leaders RAPID CITY--March is Women's History Month and a review of City Hall archives provides a revealing look at how women have made their mark in local government.             Currently, there are four…

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