Rapid City News Room (727 items)

Library, Swim Center, Ice Arena will be open but closed Easter Sunday RAPID CITY--City administrative offices will be closed Friday, March 30 in observance of Good Friday, affecting city transit and trash collection services.  Some City facilities will be open Good Friday and closed on Easter Sunday.             Rapid Transit…
Long-time director Angie Weeks departing after 30 years of service to program RAPID CITY, SD--Ann Hines has been named manager of the Black Hills Retired Senior Volunteer Program+ (RSVP+) effective April 1.  As manager of the program, Hines will provide oversight to several hundred volunteers who provide services to local…
Online site can be used to obtain information, check out facilities, register for programs and events RAPID CITY, SD--The City's Parks and Recreation Department has issued the 2018 Summer Program Guide, which lists the numerous activities, special events and programs available to the public this summer.  The Guide contains important…
RAPID CITY, SD--Rapid City's 2018 City budget is published online at https://www.rcgov.org/departments/finance/budget-286.html .                 “The 2018 budget is an important step in improving the quality of our budget presentation to better communicate information to Rapid City residents, the community, and elected officials and it reflects the City’s commitment to increase…
Downtown stakeholders, public shared input RAPID CITY, SD--The City is hosted an open house to present the findings and recommendations of the Downtown Parking Study and Strategic Plan, Thursday, March 15 at the Dahl Arts Center's Vucurevich Event Center.             The open house included two identical presentations with a question…
CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGES 2017 TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNT Annual report contains important data for City, public, businesses on transportation trends RAPID CITY, SD--At Monday night's meeting, the Rapid City Council acknowledged the 2017 Traffic Volume Count Report.  The report is issued annually by the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).…
Top permit activity issued for Moon Meadows apartments, amenity center RAPID CITY, SD--The City's Building Services Division issued 166 permits in February with a total valuation of $27,917,585.             For 2018, the City has issued 402 permits with a total valuation of $125,483,613.  During the first two months of 2017,…
RAPID CITY--Looking for a great opportunity to serve your community?  Check this out.... *The City is seeking applicants to fill vacancies on the Rapid City Regional Airport Board of Directors. Application deadline is Wednesday, March 21. Applicants should complete a Citizen Interest Application on the City’s website at www.rcgov.org. More information…
An open house was held February 28 on a proposed ordinance amendment creating an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) registration system in Rapid City's residential districts.  The City's Community Development Department hosted the open house at the Rapid City Public Library.             An ADU is a second dwelling unit on a…
  George Wallace spent his 26 year career in public affairs and food services RAPID CITY, SD--Air Force retiree George Wallace considers his enlistment in the military as "one of the best decisions of my life".              Wallace, who spent the first half of his 26-year Air Force career in…

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