Rapid City News Room (727 items)

CITY DEER HARVEST YIELDS RECORD AMOUNT OF MEAT FOR DONATION Meat from 237 deer donated to Feeding South Dakota RAPID CITY, SD—A record total of 7,088 pounds of meat has been donated to Feeding South Dakota as a result of this winter’s annual City deer harvest.             Based on City…
MUNICIPAL ELECTION INFORMATION CANDIDATE ELECTION PACKETS AVAILABLE; WINDOW TO CIRCULATE PETITIONS: MARCH 1-28 City releases important dates for June 6 municipal elections RAPID CITY—Election packets for this June’s municipal election are available beginning this Monday, February 27. Candidates for Rapid City mayor and positions on the Rapid City Council can…
CITY TRASH COLLECTION DRIVER FORCED TO DUMP HOT TRASH ON CITY STREET City officials warn public not to dump hot items such as grease, oils, coals, combustibles into trash RAPID CITY, SD—Police and fire personnel were dispatched to the scene of a City garbage truck fire in the 200 block…
RAPID CITY, SD—City officials remind the public of access adjustments to the downtown parking structure due to ongoing construction activities.              Phase one construction work on the parking structure adjacent to Main Street Square began on January 30 and is scheduled over the next several…
**HELP WANTED** PARKS & REC SEEKS SEASONAL HELP IN MANY AREAS Lifeguards, Golf Course, Parks/Landscape Maintenance, Concessions, Greenhouse Workers Needed RAPID CITY, SD—As the calendar flips to February and cold temperatures and snow grip the region, some City officials are already thinking about the summer – with visions of pools…
CITY SWEEPS AVERAGE OF 2500 TONS OF MATERIAL FROM CITY STREETS (Photo: City sweeper crews also work inside sometimes. They were called in to assist in cleaning up the Summit Arena after the massive Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo) RAPID CITY, SD—They don’t possess the speed of the police…
CITY RECEIVES NOVEMBER SALES TAX REPORT Sales tax receipts reach record levels; Rate staying slightly ahead of Region’s inflation number RAPID CITY, SD—Rapid City’s sales tax receipts for November came in at a record pace and totals are holding slightly ahead of the consumer price index numbers for the Midwest…
CITY’S BUILDING SERVICES DIVISION ISSUES JANUARY BUILDING PERMIT NUMBERS RAPID CITY, SD—The City’s Building Services Division issued 201 building permits in January with a combined valuation total of more than $30.6 million.             The January total is an increase over the 164 permits issued in January 2022 and last month’s…
At Monday's meeting (2/6/23), the Rapid City Council tabled a measure seeking approval of the City logo and branding effort on a 9-1 vote.  The tabling decision effectively kills the measure.   LEGAL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS NEW CITY LOGO AT WEDNESDAY MEETING **City Council will vote on final…
Rapid City, S.D. – The Rapid City Fire Department responded to 21,494 calls for service in 2022. That is a minimum change from 21,485 calls in 2021. A breakdown of the calls for service goes as follows: Medical Only including Mobile Medic: 16,741 Fires & Potential Fires: 1,831 Service Calls,…

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