RAPID CITY, SD--The public is invited to participate in an on-line public information meeting as area officials seek input on the Draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Bike/Pedestrian Plan.
The online meeting is presented by the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RCAMPO). The public can review the plan and provide input at the project website www.rapidtrip2045.com .
This is the third of three public meetings scheduled for the project. The online meeting is an interactive, self-guided format and is available to access today through July 16. The purpose of the online meeting is to present the project findings and draft report.
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan encourages and promotes a safe and efficient transportation system to serve future year transportation demands. Results of the Plan process are intended to serve the overall mobility needs of the area while being cost effective and consistent with state and local goals and objectives.
The online meeting format is a result of the continued recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control to limit the size of public gatherings. The format allows participants to provide input and comment on the project findings and draft report. After the public comment deadline of July 16, the materials will continue to be available for review on the project website.
For more information regarding the online meeting, contact Dustin Hamilton, project manager with HDR Engineering at 605-791-6103 or Kip Harrington with the RCAMPO at 394-4120.
Thank you,
Darrell W. Shoemaker | Communications Coordinator
T: 605.721.6686 | M: 605.939.8551
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