February 13, 2017

New Utility Bill System Explained

The City is offering a new online payment system for utility payments beginning with the February statements. The City is offering a new online payment system for utility payments beginning with the February statements. (City Photo)

As the City's 23,000 utility customers receive their February statements, they will notice a few changes.

The two most important features are a new online payment system and the issuance of a new account number.

To pay the utility bill online, customers can log in to selfservice.rcgov.org . Once there, customers can click on Citizen Self Service and the Register links to get logged in.  If they have questions, they can access the Resources link in the upper right corner of the registration page for more detailed instructions.  They will need their February 2017 statement containing the new Customer Number and Account Number to view or pay their bill.  Payments can be made online using VISA, MasterCard or Discover.

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