July 24, 2017

Mayor Continues Job-Shadowing Activities

Mayor Steve Allender assists the grounds crew at Executive Golf Course, part of the mayor's job-shadowing activities this summer with various City departments. Mayor Steve Allender assists the grounds crew at Executive Golf Course, part of the mayor's job-shadowing activities this summer with various City departments. (City Photo)

Mayor Steve Allender continued his job-shadowing activities this summer with a morning spent with the grounds crew at the Executive Golf Course.

It was not an easy way to get in nine holes on a Monday morning, rather it was a few hours assisting the crew clear brush, leaves and tree limbs around the pond off the eighth hole.  The overgrowth is being cleaned up to provide better security between the clubhouse and the view of the outer areas of the course.

Thus far, the Mayor has shadowed lifeguards at the Swim Center, collected trash, worked at the Landfill's Recycling Center, walked the streets with the parking enforcement crew, did a ride along with the City's code enforcement staff and assisted with grounds work at the Executive Golf Course, with more activities planned this summer.

The Mayor indicates the job shadowing activities have been positive, allowing him to experience first-hand the hard work, efforts, skills and dedication of City staff in various departments.

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