July 18, 2017

Local Buffalo Company Receives City's Sustainability Award

Wild Idea Buffalo Company received the City's Sustainability Award at the July 17 Council meeting.  From left: Mayor Steve Allender, Dan O'Brien, Jill O'Brien, Eirik Heikes of the Sustainability Committee. Wild Idea Buffalo Company received the City's Sustainability Award at the July 17 Council meeting. From left: Mayor Steve Allender, Dan O'Brien, Jill O'Brien, Eirik Heikes of the Sustainability Committee. (City Photo)



RAPID CITY--A local company dedicated to land stewardship, promoting local foods and the consumption of healthy protein with the production of buffalo is the recipient of Rapid City's Sustainability Award.

            Wild Idea Buffalo Company and owners Jill and Dan O'Brien were recognized at the July 17 City Council meeting.

            "I have dedicated my life to preserving and restoring the Great Plains grasslands," said Dan O'Brien.  "These same principles are the foundation of Wild Idea Buffalo Company.  By returning the bison to their native homeland, we're not only re-wilding a threatened ecosystem, we are keeping prairies intact, with carbon stored safely underground, and producing the healthiest red meat on the planet."

            The Rapid City Sustainability Committee recognizes businesses, organizations, groups or individuals demonstrating positive environmental, economic and social practices. 

            "Wild Idea is being recognized with the Rapid City Sustainability Award because of their level of consciousness in creating a sustainable product that benefits land use and preserves our natural resources," said Eirik Heikes of the Sustainability Committee.  "They have crafted a national brand and tell a wonderful, compelling story about our region while creating jobs and commerce.  They even share recipes!"

            Nominations for recognition can be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


**The Standing Committee on Sustainability: The purpose of the Committee is to encourage education, stewardship, and policy leadership that will make our community a leader in economic, social, and environmental sustainability.   The Committee serves the City of Rapid City in several capacities. The Committee educates citizens about sustainability through social media, hosting events, and working directly with City Employees. It acts as a sounding board for citizens or groups who propose sustainable efforts or practices, often encouraging them for further consideration. It consults with and assists City Departments, including Public Works, Community Planning and Development Services, and Parks and Recreation while serving as a resource to the Rapid City Common Council. Committee members represent the City as ambassadors at local/national events, and recognize sustainable efforts in the community.

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