Rapid City News Room (726 items)

CITY WORKERS SAVE KITTEN FROM CITY HALL STORM DRAIN RAPID CITY, SD—A kitten was saved Wednesday afternoon from a storm drain in the City Hall parking lot, just hours before rain fell in the downtown area.             The saga began Wednesday around lunch time when City building inspector Lon Schnittgrund…
CITY COUNCIL APPROVES EFFORT TO IMPROVE MARY HALL PARK TRAIL RAPID CITY, SD—At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Rapid City Council approved the City’s application to the South Dakota Department of Transportation for funds to renovate the trail at Mary Hall Park.             Mary Hall Park is one of the ‘hidden…
CITY OFFICIALS PROFILE AUTUMN CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SCHEDULE Projects will impact traffic in major areas of city RAPID CITY, SD—It’s been a busy construction season throughout the summer and work will continue or begin on a number of City projects after Labor Day.             City officials are highlighting several of the major projects,…
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE APPROVES NEW CITY GREENHOUSE RAPID CITY, SD—The City’s Public Works Committee Tuesday approved a request by the City’s Parks and Recreation Department to authorize staff to advertise for bids for the Parks Greenhouse Project.           If approved by the City Council next Tuesday,…
‘YOUTH RIDE FREE” TRANSIT PROGRAM SURPASSES 500,000 MARK FOR SCHOOL YEAR RIDERSHIP RAPID CITY, SD—With more than 700 youth taking advantage of the City’s ‘Youth Ride Free’ program during the first week of school, the program surpassed an impressive mark for overall youth ridership.           Since…
PARKING STRUCTURE’S WEST STAIRWELL CLOSING MONDAY AS PART OF RENOVATION WORK RAPID CITY, SD—Effective next Monday, August 21, the Sixth Street west stairwell of the downtown parking structure will be closed for scheduled renovations.  The Fifth Street east stairwell will open up for public access beginning this weekend according to…
DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU! DOGS WILL AGAIN RULE THE POOL DURING ANNUAL WAGS AND WAVES EVENT 'Wags & Waves' Humane Society fundraiser draws in canines and caretakers RAPID CITY—One of Rapid City’s most popular summer events is set to return later this month when the Humane Society of the Black…
PUBLIC REMINDED TO HEED ADVISORIES, WARNINGS AHEAD OF SUMMER STORMS RAPID CITY, SD--Throughout the summer season, forecasts often call for possible heavy rains with possible flash flooding.         With the potential for severe weather and possible flash flood impacts, City, county and weather service officials advise the public…
PUBLIC REMINDED TO ACCESS OPTIONS TO REPORT INFRASTRUCTURE ISSUES Online feature can be used to report potholes, non-working street lights, traffic signs, other issues RAPID CITY, SD—City officials are reminding the public to access and utilize a pair of features to report public infrastructure issues such as potholes, non-working street…
DON’T PARK THERE! City Committee Reminds Public Not to Park in Striped Access Parking Spaces RAPID CITY, SD—The annual Sturgis motorcycle rally is just a little over two weeks away from its official start and the Rapid City Disability Awareness and Accessibility Committee is reminding motorcyclists and all drivers to refrain…

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