Rapid City News Room (726 items)

NOVEMBER REPORTS: CITY’S NOVEMBER BUILDING REPORT CONTINUES RECORD VALUATION CLIMB FOR THE YEAR **City reaches record $447 million valuation total for 2023 with one month remaining RAPID CITY, SD—As each day advances to the end of 2023, the City continues setting new records for building permit valuation totals for the…
1700 POUNDS OF FOOD! CITY FOOD DRIVE HAULS IN IMPRESSIVE NUMBERS OF DONATIONS **Public’s generosity praised; **Food & cash donated to Feeding South Dakota for distribution to school pantries and families RAPID CITY, SD—Nearly 1,700 pounds of non-perishable food items and more than $900 in cash were donated by the…
TURKEY NEWS...PARDONS AND HOLIDAY FAVORITES....   LOCAL TURKEY GRANTED HOLIDAY PARDON FROM MAYOR AT WEDNESDAY CEREMONY Area turkey hen gets official reprieve from Mayor Salamun after vote of citizens RAPID CITY, SD—Mayor Jason Salamun issued a full and complete mayoral pardon to Giblet Johansson at a ceremony today (November 22,…
CITY OFFERING FREE PARKING DOWNTOWN ON HOLIDAY SATURDAYS RAPID CITY, SD—The City is again offering free parking at downtown meters on Saturdays between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.             The City offered free parking for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and the action extends to include free parking on Saturdays between…
CITY TO EXPAND SERVICES OF PUBLIC WORKS CALL CENTER Locally-staffed call center fields an average of 100-150 calls per day RAPID CITY, SD—In September, the City’s Public Works Department established a call center to respond to the city’s growth and increasing number of customer calls.          …
RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM REPORTS CONTINUED INCREASES IN RIDERSHIP More than 6,000 additional rider trips recorded compared to October 2020 RAPID CITY, SD—Rapid Transit System (RTS) officials recorded 21,329 total passenger trips in October, an increase of more than 1,700 rider trips from the same month in 2022.      …
 CITY ISSUES SALES TAX REPORT FOR AUGUST RAPID CITY, SD—City sales tax receipts for August totaled more than $7.88 million, an increase over the total of $7.68 million reported for August 2022.             Through eight months, the City’s sales tax receipts total more than $55.52 million, a 2.52 percent increase…
A LOOK BACK: WINTER STORM ATLAS ANNIVERSARY IS OPPORTUNITY TO REFLECT, PLAN AHEAD Officials Say Now Is Time To Prepare For Upcoming Season; RAPID CITY, SD—This week marks the 10th anniversary of the weather system nicknamed 'Winter Storm Atlas' or 'The Great Blizzard of 2013' or 'The Cattlemen's Blizzard'.  Whatever…
MORE THAN 73,000 ADMISSIONS RECORDED AT CITY POOLS THIS SUMMER Weather caused dip in numbers RAPID CITY, SD—Weather impacted attendance at the City pools this summer but despite all that Mother Nature could dish out, more than 73,000 people still turned out to enjoy the pool experience.             A total…
VETERANS GATHER TO COLLECT HONEY AS PART OF ‘HIVES FOR HEROES’ PROJECT          After installing three bee hives this spring near the City Parks Maintenance facility off Canyon Lake Drive, and after a summer of nurturing efforts, volunteers for the local Hives for Heroes organization have collected…

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