Rapid City News Room (728 items)

CITY FOOD DRIVE YIELDS RECORD AMOUNTS OF FOOD AND CASH DONATIONS **Public’s generosity praised; **Thousands of meals will be provided to local families through Feeding South Dakota RAPID CITY, SD—A total of 2,253 pounds of food and $1,232.50 were donated as part of the recent community food drive sponsored by the City Public…
CITY’S BUILDING REPORT REFLECTS HIGHEST PERMIT VALUATION FOR OCTOBER RAPID CITY, SD—The City’s Building Services Division issued 269 building permits in October with a combined valuation total of more than $80.6 million, the highest permit valuation total ever recorded for the month of October in the City’s history and the fourth-highest…
MANY RESIDENTS TO RECEIVE CITY-AUTHORIZED LETTERS OFFERING OPTIONAL UTILITY LINE SERVICE PROTECTION Letter provides optional service line repair coverage; City officials: plan provides protection for unexpected and costly repairs   RAPID CITY, SD--Many city residents will be receiving letters this week regarding an optional customer exterior service line protection plan offered to homeowners.…
CITY OFFICIALS REFLECT ON CALL CENTER’S FIRST YEAR OF SUCCESS RAPID CITY, SD—Since the Public Works Department opened its customer service call center in mid-September 2023, the staff team has taken a total of 39,470 calls and created 1,910 service orders for the various divisions within the department.             “By all accounts,…
SOLID WASTE OFFICIALS PROVIDE HELPFUL HINTS FOR CURBSIDE YARD WASTE Remote yard waste sites open to drop off materials RAPID CITY, SD—With Autumn upon us, many homeowners are getting out and preparing gardens, yards and trees for the winter season.  Officials with the City’s Solid Waste Division provide some helpful reminders regarding…
81,000 CITY POOL ADMISSIONS RECORDED DURING “VERY BUSY” SUMMER SEASON RAPID CITY, SD—Data released from the City’s Parks and Recreation Department Wednesday reflects the public flocked to the City’s pools this summer in large numbers, seeking relief from consistently hot temperatures.             A total of 81,025 admissions were recorded at the…
OVER 35.5 TONS OF MATERIAL COLLECTED BY CITY EMPLOYEES IN CLEAN UP OF STAR VILLAGE NEIGHBORHOODS Effort included City employees volunteering for United Way Month of Caring project RAPID CITY, SD—City Solid Waste Division officials report more than 35.5 tons (TONS!) of refuse, tires, metal, appliances and yard waste materials were collected last…
CITY COUNCIL APPROVES CHALLENGE TO REDUCE STUDENT LUNCH DEBT Council approves up to $25,000 in matching donations to support reducing school lunch debt RAPID CITY, SD—At Monday’s meeting, the Rapid City Council followed through with a pledge to establish a challenge fund up to $25,000 to match contributions to the Fed and Ready…
  (9/4/24 UPDATE) The Rapid City Council voted 9-0 to approve the 2025 City budget with approval of the second formal reading of the budget at this week's Council meeting.  Earlier in the meeting, the Council voted 7-2 to move a $500,000 line item for discretionary spending from the mayor's…
AREAS OF RAPID CITY EXPERIENCING EMERGENCE OF NOXIOUS WEED “HOUNDSTONGUE” (CYNOGLOSSUM OFICINALE) City official advises property owners to inspect their properties for noxious weeds and to take necessary steps to eradicate them RAPID CITY, SD—Areas of Rapid City are experiencing an emergence of noxious weeds, particularly the weed commonly known as “houndstongue”. City Environmental…

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