RAPID CITY, SD--December youth ridership on the RapidRide System increased more than 63 percent over the same month in 2016, according to numbers released by the Rapid Transit System (RTS).
A total of 11,800 youth passenger trips were recorded in December, compared to 7,225 trips in December 2016--a 63.32 percent increase.
RTS Manager Rich Sagen also indicated youth passenger trips reached the 700-mark five times in December, topped by a record 771 trips on December 20. Other days with more than 700 youth trips recorded were December 1 (733); December 7 (719); December 12 (715) and December 19 (708).
"We had a tremendous year for youth riding on the RapidRide system," said Sagen. "We are seeing increased ridership by youth all across the City route system."
Sagen says a total of 116,313 youth passenger trips were provided in 2017. A total of 147,935 youth passenger trips have been provided since the 'youth ride free' public transit program was started in September 2016.
NOTE: A youth passenger trip is defined as a boarding. Some passengers may utilize the Rapid Transit System for a one-way ride to their destination (passenger trip) or use the System multiple times in a day to different destinations, resulting in multiple passenger trips being recorded.