September 05, 2018

Day of Caring: City Team Taking on Star of the West Complex

City directors and staff participate in a 2017 Day of Caring project. City directors and staff participate in a 2017 Day of Caring project. (City File Photo/Darrell Shoemaker)


Day of Caring Project To Feature Painting & Landscaping Work at Athletic Campus

Mayor Allender providing luncheon welcome

RAPID CITY, SD--Paint brushes along with lawn and garden tools will get a workout Thursday, as Mayor Steve Allender leads a team of City officials participating in the annual United Way of the Black Hills' Day of Caring.

            Each year, a team of City officials participates in a Day of Caring project and this year's team will be hard at work at the Star of the West Complex.  Painting and landscaping activities are the duties of the day.  The City's team is comprised of Mayor Allender and representatives of 10 City departments including Police Chief Karl Jegeris, Fire Chief Rod Seals, Finance Officer Pauline Sumption, Public Works Director Dale Tech, Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Biegler, Airport Executive Director Patrick Dame, Community Planning and Development Services Director Ken Young, Library Director Terri Davis, Community Resources Director Nick Stroot, Assistant City Attorney Wade Nyberg, IT Officer Jim Gilbert and Mayor's Office Executive Coordinator Kelsey Sakos.

            In addition, a team from the Rapid City Police Department will be working a project at 714 St. Charles Street.

            The Day of Caring begins with a luncheon at 11:30 a.m. at the Civic Center followed by hundreds of volunteers participating in an afternoon of community-wide projects.  Mayor Allender will provide the luncheon welcome.


Thank you,

Darrell W. Shoemaker | Communications Coordinator

T: 605.721.6686 | M: 605.939.8551

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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