May 11, 2018

City To Celebrate National Public Works Week With May 19 Event

The City will celebrate National Public Works Week May 20-26 with a special event including vehicles, demonstrations and staff interaction on Saturday, May 19 at the Civic Center parking lot on New York Street.  Vehicles on display will include a street sweeper from the City Streets Division. The City will celebrate National Public Works Week May 20-26 with a special event including vehicles, demonstrations and staff interaction on Saturday, May 19 at the Civic Center parking lot on New York Street. Vehicles on display will include a street sweeper from the City Streets Division.

Event will include displays of Department vehicles & equipment demonstrations

RAPID CITY, SD--National Public Works Week is May 20-26 and the Rapid City Public Works Department is inviting the community to join in a local observance, celebrating the occasion.  On Saturday, May 19th, the public can view vehicles and equipment from the City's Public Works divisions, witness demonstrations of the vehicles and equipment in operation, and ask question of Department personnel.

The event is from 8 a.m. to noon in the Civic Center's parking lot on New York Street, across from the Club for Boys.

Trucks made available for viewing include:

  • Solid Waste: Automated Garbage Truck and an End Loader
  • Street Department: Street sweeper and a Pot Hole Patcher
  • Water Division: Dump Truck and Back Hoe
  • Water Reclamation: Jet Vacuum and TV Van
  • Rapid Transit: Dial-A-Ride Vehicle

 For more information, contact the Rapid City Solid Waste Department at 355-3496.

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