July 18, 2019

City Seeks Public Input On Affordable Housing


Online survey solicits feedback on issue

RAPID CITY--The City's Community Development Department is seeking public input on affordable housing in the community through a survey.  The data will assist in the preparation of a policy on affordable housing to be considered by the City Council later this year.

            The short survey consists of questions about accessory dwelling units, cost ranges, methods to create affordability and housing types needed in the community.  The survey can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RCAHSurvey and is also available on the City's website.  Deadline to complete the online survey is Monday, August 19.

            "The public's input through the survey will assist in drafting a policy for Council's consideration and will include potential code amendments for qualified projects that will reduce barriers to housing diversity, promote preservation of existing affordable housing stock and encourage the development of new affordable housing units in the City," said Ken Young, Community Development director.

            Young says the general term 'affordable housing' applies to housing costing less than 30 percent of gross family income, including utilities.

            For more information about the survey, contact Community Development at 394-4120.


Thank you,

Darrell W. Shoemaker | Communications Coordinator

T: 605.721.6686 | M: 605.939.8551

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

W: www.rcgov.org


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