City Issues 168 Permits With More Than $35 Million in Valuation
RAPID CITY--Rapid City has started 2017 on a high note, issuing 168 building permits in January with a total valuation of $35,427,528. It was the second highest January for permit valuation.
By comparison, the City issued 180 permits in January 2016 with a valuation of $15.3 million. The only January with a higher permit valuation was recorded in 2011 with a valuation of $39 million (180 permits). January's valuation was the sixth highest monthly total on record in Rapid City. Four of the top seven months in permit valuation have been recorded since March 2016.
Last month, the Building Services Division issued six permits with valuations over $1 million, including: Pennington County for the new County Health Building at 321 Kansas City Street ($9,135,000); Icon Holdings LLC/Simet for Icon Senior Living apartments at 1770 Tablerock Road ($7,213,700); Pennington County for the Highway Department Shop and Office Building at 3601 Cambell Street ($5,458,100); Pennington County for the Courthouse Addition at 315 St. Joseph Street ($3,500,000); Holiday Station Stores for a new Holiday Station Store at 3216 E. Highway 44 ($1,575,557); and Millstone, LLC for a new Culver's Restaurant at 2501 Mt. Rushmore Road ($1,057,800).
"Certainly, a big factor in the valuation was the County permits, however, even without those projects, our valuation would have been the third highest January," said Dale Tech, Rapid City's Interim Planning Director. "The year has started the same way we ended last year with solid valuation numbers."
Rapid City ended 2016 with a record building permit valuation of more than $320 million.
Thank you,
Darrell W. Shoemaker | Communications Coordinator T: 605.721.6686 | M: 605.939.8551
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