September 01, 2023

City Officials Profile Autumn Construction Project Schedule


Projects will impact traffic in major areas of city

RAPID CITY, SD—It’s been a busy construction season throughout the summer and work will continue or begin on a number of City projects after Labor Day.

            City officials are highlighting several of the major projects, complete with details of the projects including information on traffic restrictions and time lines.

“It’s been a busy spring and summer and it’s going to continue to be busy as we move into the fall months,” said City Engineer Roger Hall.  “We are profiling some of the projects to share with the public about the expected impacts on traffic in these high visibility and heavily-trafficked areas.”

Information on these and other projects are available on the City’s website at and checking out the ‘Road Construction Updates’ on the home page.


Project Cost: $876,000

Start/Finish Dates: September 5-October 3

Effective Tuesday, September 5, Western Construction crews will be working on Catron Boulevard, which includes milling the road, asphalt overlay and ADA ramps at Promise Road and Les Hollers Way intersection.  Western Construction plans to mill Catron Boulevard starting at the Sheridan Lake Road interchange on Tuesday, September 5th and anticipates the paving will be completed by Friday, September 22nd. During the mill and overlay portion of this project, traffic will be restricted to either the two outer lanes or to the center three lanes.  Once paving operations are complete, there will be a short traffic restriction in the Promise Road/Les Hollers Way Intersection of Catron Blvd to allow for concrete and electrical work. The overall completion date of the project is October 3, 2023.


Project Cost: $759,000

Start/Finish Dates: September 14-November 30

J. V. Bailey Co. Inc. crews will be completing concrete and road repair work on Saint Joseph Street from West Boulevard to Third Street. The two northern eastbound lanes and parking spaces will be initially closed on Saint Joseph Street Lane to accommodate the water valve and road repair work being completed. Once all work is completed on the northern two lanes of St. Joseph street, traffic control will be switched to close the southern lane and parking spaced to finish the repair work required.

This construction project will be completed in phases, with three blocks closed at a time, and lane traffic will be adjusted as needed. Construction on the concrete panels and curb and gutter will begin at West Boulevard, and continue through to 7th street, for the first phase of roadwork. All work on St. Joseph Street is anticipated to be completed by November 30, 2023.



Mainline Contracting will continue work on water main relocation and begin storm sewer installation late next week and continuing through the end of the following week (September 15).  Water main relocations will continue this week at various areas throughout the project on the east side of Sheridan Lake Road. No lane closures are anticipated for the next two weeks.

The sidewalk on the east side of Sheridan Lake Road from Catron Boulevard to the northernmost Summerset Drive remains closed. The temporary pedestrian path will continue to be maintained to the existing crossing of Sheridan Lake Road to Corral Drive. The sidewalk north of Corral Drive will remain open until such time the work progresses to this area.

Motorists are advised to allow additional time to travel through the work zones. The speed limit has been reduced to 25 mph. Be alert for sudden changes in traffic, including slowing and merging vehicles, changing work zone location, and construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lanes.

Additional information and ongoing project updates are available on the project website at  For more information about the project please call Avid4 Engineering at 605-343-3311 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Project Cost: $1,529,000

Anticipated Start Date: Tuesday, September 5

Underground Construction will be reconstructing 12th Street from Fulton Street to Saint James Street.  Construction will consist of installing water main, sanitary sewer lines and storm sewer along 12th Street. Work will also include replacing curb and gutter and asphalt pavement along the boulevard. The project will begin with Clark Street closed off for thru traffic west of the 12th street intersection for storm inlets and reinforced concrete pipe installation. Once complete, traffic control and closures will be adjusted to restrict traffic on 12th Street from Clark Street to Saint James Street. The anticipated date of completion for this project is December 1, 2023.


Project Cost: $8,963,000

Start/Finish Dates: Late Fall to May 30, 2025

Mainline contracting will be upgrading the sanitary sewer main from the Country Road lift station down to the intersection of 143rd Avenue and Seger Drive. Work will additionally consist of storm sewer and drainage improvements, as well as reconstruction and repairs of the asphalt pavement. This project is expected to begin in late fall with full lane closures along 143rd Avenue and Country Road. The anticipated date of completion for this project is May 30, 2025.


Project Cost: $300,000

Start/Finish Dates: Vary by site (August 28-September 29)

Tru-Form Construction will be removing and replacing concrete surfacing, asphalt surfacing, and storm sewer from various locations throughout the city. This project consists of five (5) sites, with the timing of construction occurring between the dates of August 28, 2023 to October 20. Traffic restrictions will take place on Fairmont Boulevard. Wisconsin Avenue will be closed to through traffic between Fairmont Boulevard and Oakland Street. Please see the below map for the affected area and detours for Fairmont Boulevard and Wisconsin Avenue. Anticipated completion: Friday, September 29.


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