November 20, 2023

(11/27/23 Update): City Offering Free Parking Thanksgiving Weekend and Holiday Saturdays



RAPID CITY, SD—The City is again offering free parking at downtown meters on Saturdays between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

            The City offered free parking for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and the action extends to include free parking on Saturdays between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays: December 2, 9, 16 and 23.

            "This is always a great way in helping to get the community into the holiday spirit,” said Community Development Director Vicki Fisher.  “There are so many great holiday events going on downtown with great opportunities to spend time with family and friends during the holiday season, whether it’s shopping, having lunch or coffee, or taking in a movie.”

            City officials also remind the public that construction in the downtown parking structure is finalized and access is open to both stairwells and the entire structure.





Public reminded of no parking along

Festival of Lights Parade route November 25

RAPID CITY, SD—The City will again be offering free parking at downtown meters the entire Thanksgiving holiday weekend and Saturdays between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, city officials announced today.

            The free parking for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend will be effective Thursday, November 23 through Sunday, November 26.  There will also be free parking on Saturdays between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays: December 2, 9, 16 and 23.

            "This is always a great way in helping to get the community into the holiday spirit and the holiday season off to a great start,” said Community Development Director Vicki Fisher.  “There are so many great holiday events going on downtown with great opportunities to spend time with family and friends during the holiday season, whether it’s shopping, having lunch or coffee, or taking in a movie.”

            City Parking Operations Manager Anna Gilligan said there will be parking restrictions in the downtown area for the Festival of Lights Parade.  City officials remind the public there is no parking after 4:30 p.m. along the parade route on Saturday, November 25.  The parade route includes the area of Main Street from East Boulevard to Seventh Street, and St. Joseph Street from Seventh Street to East Boulevard.

            As a reminder, the St. Joseph Street construction project is suspended for the winter season so there are no traffic lane or parking restrictions along St. Joseph Street during the holiday season. In addition, repairs by the Rapid City, Pierre and Eastern (RCP&E) Railroad on the Fifth Street crossing between Omaha Street and Main Street are expected to be completed by November 20 and traffic restrictions removed by that date. Also, construction in the downtown parking structure is scheduled to be finalized and access open to both stairwells by Thanksgiving.

            “We encourage the public to take advantage of the free parking, come out and get into the holiday spirit with the long holiday period this year and enjoy the Holiday Celebration and Winter Market, and the Festival of Lights Parade,” said Gilligan.

            The Holiday Celebration and Winter Market in Main Street Square is scheduled for 2-6 p.m. Saturday, November 25 and will offer vendors and various activities including a performance from the Black Hills Figure Skating Club. Mayor Jason Salamun will lead the countdown for the tree lighting ceremony at 4:56 p.m. in Main Street Square.  The day's activities culminate with the 25th annual Festival of Lights Parade scheduled for 6 p.m. 

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