January 31, 2025

City Launches Online Feature Allowing Public to Monitor Snow Removal Efforts


New online map feature displays level and priority areas of service

RAPID CITY, SD--Beginning today (Friday), the public can check updates on snow removal efforts by City street crews.  During a winter precipitation event, snow removal maps detailing the level of service being provided by City crews will be updated and can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Snow Event Map’ link on the Streets Division page on the City’s website. 

Here is the link: https://bit.ly/RapidCitySnowRemoval

            The maps display the City’s 21 snow removal routes and during a snow event, will also display one of three levels of snow removal designated for the routes. For several years, snow plowing incidents are divided into three levels of service:

Level A (2-4 inches of snow): In a level A response, crews are focusing efforts on main roads, emergency routes, steep streets and busy intersections, including downtown snow removal during an active snowfall.  Crews will move into the other areas when the snow fall ends.

Level B (4-6 inches of snow): Smaller roads and high-traffic residential streets, plus Level A areas and continued downtown snow removal during an active snowfall.  Other areas will be tackled after the snow stops.

Level C (6 or more inches of snow): All other streets, with help from contractors to clear roads faster.

          “We are providing the maps as a way for residents to stay updated on the work of city street crews and their priorities when it comes to snow removal, depending on the changing status of each storm,” said City Streets Superintendent Jesse Rieb.  “With over 20,000 lane miles to cover and over a variety of topography features, including hills, open areas, multi-lane and residential areas, conditions can vary from one area of the community to another.  We want to keep the public informed on what level of service and efforts our crews are providing at a given time during a snow event.”

         The ‘Snow Event Map’ is a new feature of the City’s Snow Policy, which provides various details and helpful hints for the public during the winter season, including sanding and chemical treatment priorities, plowing policy, snow removal in downtown and other key areas of the community, winter driving tips and much more.

            For more information about the Snow Event Map feature, contact the City’s Public Works Department at 605-394-4165.

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