Outgoing United Way director ready
to take on challenges of new position
RAPID CITY, SD—Mayor Steve Allender announced today Jamie Toennies has been named manager of the City’s new grants division.
Toennies has served as director of the United Way of the Black Hills since 2016. She has more than 18 years of experience working in nonprofit organizations, including museums, YMCA, and in United Ways.
“We are excited to welcome Jamie as the manager of our new grants division,” said Allender. “The grants division will provide a more coordinated effort in the administration of grants and is being developed to identify specific needs as well as research and apply for grants that can assist and support City operations and services. Jamie’s extensive experience with nonprofit organizations, including her well-respected work with the United Way of the Black Hills, will serve the City and its citizens well with this needed effort.”
Toennies will begin her position in early February. The grants division will be part of the City’s Finance Department under the direction of finance director Tracy Davis.
“We look forward to working with Jamie as she develops the new grants division and explores opportunities for funding and resources that will assist the City in providing services and support for our growing community,” said City Finance Director Tracy Davis.
Toennies is excited about joining the City of Rapid City and the challenges of the new grants division.
“Over the past six and a half years, it has been my honor to work with our local partners including the City, businesses, and nonprofit organizations, to find long-term solutions to our community’s greatest needs,” said Toennies. “I can’t wait to continue that work with the City to ensure Rapid City continues to be an amazing place for our residents and visitors.”
Allender says the grants division is an important addition to the City in responding to the community’s current and anticipated growth.
“As Rapid City continues to grow, there will be an increased demand on essential services and developing and growing certain functions to respond to the growth,” said Allender. “We need to be in position to search, apply for and obtain funding that will assist in those efforts. We won’t be applying for every grant that comes along, but we want people in place that can search out possible funding sources that make sense and will assist in achieving the city’s comprehensive plan for the future.”
Toennies is a native of Tampa Bay and has degrees from South Dakota Mines and the University of Iowa.