September 08, 2023

City Council Approves Effort to Improve Mary Hall Park Trail

The City Council has approved the City's application for funds to improve the trail at Mary Hall Park, one of the 'hidden gems' of the City's Park system.  The area has been a City park for more than 70 years and offers access to many local attractions, health care and senior facilities and is used for many recreational uses. The City Council has approved the City's application for funds to improve the trail at Mary Hall Park, one of the 'hidden gems' of the City's Park system. The area has been a City park for more than 70 years and offers access to many local attractions, health care and senior facilities and is used for many recreational uses.



RAPID CITY, SD—At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Rapid City Council approved the City’s application to the South Dakota Department of Transportation for funds to renovate the trail at Mary Hall Park.

            Mary Hall Park is one of the ‘hidden gems’ of the Rapid City parks system.  Located in west Rapid City, the park serves as an important connector to local schools, the Oyate Health Center, the Canyon Lake Activity Center, baseball fields and surrounding neighborhoods.  If the state approves the City’s grant application, the City would use funds to replace the current asphalt park trail, which includes many cracks and ruts, with concrete as well as bring the trail into ADA compliance.

            With Council’s approval Tuesday night, the City will apply for Transportation Alternatives Program grant funds from the South Dakota DOT.  The City’s long-term plans include maintaining the park trail for users.

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