Rapid City News Room (727 items)

RAPID CITY, SD--A total of 344 building permits were issued by the City's Building Services Division in September with a total valuation of nearly $22 million.  The valuation total of $21,971,644 was the sixth highest September for building permit valuation since 2000.             For 2018, the City has issued a…
WHAT TO DO WITH THAT PESKY POCKET CHANGE AT THE AIRPORT? Regional Airport Staff Turns Discarded Pocket Change, Items Into Meals, Donations of Care Bags to Cornerstone Mission Residents RAPID CITY, SD--Anyone who travels by air knows one of the constants is emptying your pockets of coins so as to…
Recipient Has Logged 13,000 Hours of Volunteer Service To Community PHOTO: Vera Morgan (left) is the 2018 RSVP+ Volunteer of the Year and was recognized by Rapid City RSVP Manager Ann Hines (right) RAPID CITY, SD--Vera Morgan was named Volunteer of the Year at the Rapid City RSVP+ Annual Recognition…
RAPID CITY, SD--In an effort to promote community involvement and capture public input in the design of the Civic Center Expansion Project, the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center is forming two committees with a focus on design and operations.  Each committee will have 10-12 members selected by the Design Team, Civic…
Among the 1200 volunteers participating in this year's United Way of the Black Hills' Day of Caring project teams was the City team. The team comprised of the mayor and department and division directors put in an afternoon of staining picnic tables and beautifying the Star of the West Complex.…
Rapid City, SD – September 5, 2018 – Libraries nationwide host events and develop fun ways to encourage children to read during the summer to help prevent summer learning loss and Rapid City Public Library is no exception. Children read for 15 minutes per day for 25 and 50 days…
TEAM OF CITY OFFICIALS TO TAKE ON STAR OF THE WEST COMPLEX Day of Caring Project To Feature Painting & Landscaping Work at Athletic Campus Mayor Allender providing luncheon welcome RAPID CITY, SD--Paint brushes along with lawn and garden tools will get a workout Thursday, as Mayor Steve Allender leads…
Monday trash collection altered, final day for outdoor swim City Council meeting moved to Tuesday RAPID CITY--City offices will be closed on Monday, September 3 in observance of Labor Day.             Monday's City Council meeting will be moved to Tuesday, September 4 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.             Monday's…
Code and Amendments Guide Local Builders, Homeowners, Industry RAPID CITY, SD--The Rapid City Building Board will host two open houses on the 2018 International Code Adoption Proposal.  The meetings will be held Wednesday, September 5 at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. at West River Electric, 3250 E. Highway 44.            …
CITY OFFERS ICE SKATING, SWIMMING, DODGEBALL, VOLLEYBALL, HOCKEY, CLASSES, TRAININGS & MORE! RAPID CITY, SD--The 2018 Rapid City Parks and Recreation Department's Fall Program Guide is now available to the public online.  The Guide details information on fall sports leagues, programs, classes and special events scheduled at the Roosevelt Ice…

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