Rapid City News Room (727 items)

City Streets Department crews have been busy this week getting ready for this weekend's forecasted winter snow event.    Crews have been preparing snow removal equipment, making sure they are well-equipped with material and performing mechanical touch-ups.  The latest forecasts call for rain to begin Friday evening and turn to…
RAPID CITY, S.D. – Domino’s promised to save carryout pizza, one pothole at a time, and it is doing just that in Rapid City. Thanks to an overwhelming number of nominations from its residents, Rapid City was selected as a “Paving for Pizza” grant recipient. "We will put the grant…
CITY DEPARTMENTS SERVING AS ANGEL TREE GIFT LOCATIONS Five tree locations for picking up gift tags and dropping off gifts RAPID CITY, SD--It's a three-step process taking just a little effort on the part of community residents but it can have a life-lasting impact on a child.             It's easy…
Winter season apparel placement highlights community need; Coincides with National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week activities RAPID CITY--Winter apparel items can officially be placed on downtown statues starting November 15.             This is the fourth winter season items such as gloves, scarves, ear muffs and hats have been approved by…
KICK IT TO THE CURB? SWEEP IT UNDER THE RUG? NOT FOR CITY SWEEPERS City crews have collected hundreds of tons of material this year RAPID CITY, SD--You see the big trucks working in a residential area during the middle of the day, or perhaps along a main line stretch…
City Offices Closed Thursday & Friday; Planning Commission to meet a day early next week; Swim Center and Ice Arena holding additional open swim/skate times RAPID CITY--City offices will be closed next Thursday and Friday, November 22 and 23 in recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday.  The City-School Administration Center will…
DON'T LET THE BED BUGS BITE... REPORTS OF BED BUGS INCREASING IN RAPID CITY "Vigilance is the key" says City's Building Services Manager RAPID CITY, SD--We've all heard it since we were small children, that famous nursery rhyme: Good night, sleep tight Don't let the bedbugs bite. But if they…
Informal events provide updates, gather input from planners, developers, public RAPID CITY--The City's Department of Community Development hosted its quarterly "Coffee With Planners" today in Council Chambers of the City/School Administration Center.  The session attracted about 30 attendees.             City staff led discussion at three tables…
*Landfill closed-Monday's trash collection adjusted *Rapid Transit Service not operating *Library facilities closed Sunday/Monday *RC Swim Center open both days; Ice Arena open Sunday RAPID CITY,  SD--City offices will be closed Monday, November 12 in observance of Veterans' Day.  Most City services will be suspended for the day.             The…
Yearly total just shy of $300 million mark RAPID CITY, SD--The City's Building Services Division issued 388 building permits in October with a total valuation of $13,660,680.                        For 2018, the City has issued a total of 3,326 building permits with a combined valuation of $297,662,438.  By comparison, the City…

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