Historic Preservation Commission*

Agenda  folder Minutes

The purpose of the Rapid City Historic Preservation Commission is to preserve the quality of life and natural environment of the community, and enhance the economic vitality and diversity of the community through preservation and restoration of historically and/or architecturally significant buildings and sites.

pdf A Riding and Walking Tour of The West Boulevard Historic District (1.91 MB)

For more information visit our website by clicking the link below

Historic Preservation Commission Website




Members and alternates shall be appointed with due regard for proper representation by professionals in the disciplines of history, architectural history, architecture, archaeology, planning, urban planning, American Studies, American civilization, paleontology, law, cultural geography, and cultural anthropology to the extent that such professionals are available in the community and have a demonstrated interest, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. Additionally, due regard shall be given to suitable representation of stakeholders from within historic districts, including but not limited to the following: property owners, residents, merchants, business owners, developers, investors, active members of a downtown organization, active members of a neighborhood association, and others with a direct stake in the conservation of historic neighborhoods.




The Commission works to preserve historic buildings and archaeological sites through public education, policy development and advocacy. The Commission conducts surveys of local historic properties, promotes and conducts educational and interpretive programs on historic properties, and recommends ordinances that will promote the preservation and restoration of historic properties and districts in Rapid City.  In summary, the Comission encourages preservation of historically significant features within the community to ensure that a connection to the past remains intact for the future.


Meetings are held as needed on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month beginning at 8:00 a.m. by Zoom.


Brittany Neiles - Term Expires - October 2025
Dave Viall  - Term Expires - October 2025
Jenn Johnson - Term Expires - October 2026
Emily Calhoun - Term Expires - October 2026
Vacant - Term Expires - October 2026 - Alternate
Jeremy Altman - Term Expires - October 2027
Corey Yates - Term Expires - October 2027 - Alternate

Pat Roseland

CITY Historic Preservation Program Contact
Jennifer Bergstrom, Special Projects Planner
Communtiy Development
300 Sixth Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
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pdf Ordinance - Membership
(35 KB)

pdf Ordinance - Historic Review Process (38 KB)

pdf Bylaws (38 KB)

pdf Downtown Historic District map (636 KB)

pdf West Boulevard Historic District map (1010 KB)

pdf Historic Preservation 11.1 Review Application (402 KB)

pdf East of 5th Street Architectural Survey (3.56 MB)

pdf Draft Historic District Design Guidelines (19.93 MB)

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