Rapid City Police, working with officers of the Spearfish Police Department and the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation, have apprehended a man wanted by the Spearfish P.D. for stealing credit cards found in two Spearfish churches on Christmas Eve.
The man has subsequently been identified as 34-year-old Ray Vinson Jr. of Norman Park, Georgia.
Local law enforcement spotted Vinson’s vehicle travelling in 2100 Block of N. Lacrosse Street shortly before 8:30 a.m. on December 30th. Law enforcement attempted to contact Vinson after he pulled into the parking lot of 1200 N. Lacrosse Street. He fled inside the business and barricaded himself inside of a restroom. The restroom was occupied by one other bystander. Vinson did not allow the bystander to exit the restroom as Vinson destroyed part of the restroom ceiling in an attempt to flee from law enforcement. Police ultimately apprehended Vinson, and the bystander was left unharmed.
Vinson offered police several false identities before being positively identified.
Rapid City Police have arrested Vinson for Obstruction, False Imprisonment, Destruction of Private Property, Impersonation to Deceive Law Enforcement, and two out-of-state Felony Warrants.
The details of Vinson’s involvement in the Spearfish church thefts will be released at the discretion of the Spearfish Police Department.
Local law enforcement continues to investigate the matter.