AIR QUALITY ADVISORY: Friday, Feb. 23, 2018
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Barb Regynski, (605) 773-3151, or Jon Epp, (605) 394-2229
DENR’s Real Time Website:
Smoke Impacting Rapid City Air Quality
Meteorological conditions are causing smoke to impact air quality in Rapid City. A combination of cold air, weak winds and a strong inversion will keep smoke trapped over Rapid City through noon Saturday. The inversion will weaken with increasing winds late Saturday morning, which will allow the smoke to disperse.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) recommends you visit South Dakota’s Real Time Air Quality Index map at to see how the smoke conditions are impacting Rapid City. The site updates hourly.
Air quality monitoring sites in Rapid City indicated the 24-hour average for fine particulates (PM 2.5) on Thursday was 33.8 micrograms per cubic meter, which was slightly below the 35 micrograms per cubic meter 24-hour standard. Early hourly readings today indicate a high probability the 24-hour standard may be exceeded.
The department encourages residents to voluntarily discontinue burning wood or coal home heating devices unless they are the sole source of heat. Avoiding smoldering, slow burning fires will also minimize smoke pollution.
Agricultural, industrial, construction and outdoor burning operations are asked to discontinue activities that contribute to air pollution during this time.
Everyone may experience some effects during unhealthy levels. Sensitive groups generally include children, older adults and people with lung diseases.