August 31, 2017

Police warn of door-to-door scam targeting Rapid City residents

The Rapid City Police Department has received several reports of scammers targeting residents in both Rapid City and around the Black Hills.

The scam involves a salesperson travelling door-to-door through a neighborhood. The salesperson informs a resident that they represent a local television/internet provider and their TV/internet equipment needs to be checked. Once welcomed in, they may become aggressive in trying to push other services or products. They may also be looking for potential valuables within the home.

Police have also received reports that these suspicious individuals will often aggressively ask for credit card or other financial information from their victim.

The RCPD reminds Rapid City residents that it’s always a good practice to ask unknown individuals for an ID verifying that they are an employee of the company they say they are from. A quick call to the company can also verify the person’s affiliation with said company. Be wary of an unknown individual who requests unsolicited access into your home. Also, always be cautious when approached for financial information.

As always, suspicious activity can be reported to police 24/7 by calling our non-emergency line at 394-4131. Please dial 911 for emergencies. 

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