August 31, 2017

Chief Jegeris announces department promotions

Following a thorough interview and selection process, RCPD Chief of Police Karl Jegeris is proud to announce the following promotions for the ranks of Sergeant and Lieutenant within the Rapid City Police Department. These promotions will be effective on September 1st.

Lt. Andy Becker – After three years of service as the RCPD’s Training Administrator, Lt. Becker will be reassigned to the agency’s Patrol Division as a Sector Lieutenant. He will be responsible for police programs, projects, and community engagement across Rapid City’s South Sector. Lt. Becker has been with the RCPD since 2004, and has served as a Detective, been assigned to UNET, and a Patrol Sergeant.  He has his Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Chadron State College and is currently working on his Master’s in Administration through BHSU.

Lt. Brian Blenner – Lt. Blenner will transition to the position of Juvenile Operation Lieutenant. He will continue his oversight of the RCPD’s School Liaison Program, with additional assignments focused on addressing and diverting juvenile offenders in Rapid City. Lt. Blenner started with the RCPD in 1997, and has served as a School Liaison Officer, Patrol Sergeant, and was the School Liaison Sergeant beginning with the 2016 school year.  Lt. Blenner has his Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from SDSU, and his Master’s Degree in Leadership and Management from Western Governors University.

Lt. Cathy Bock – Lt. Bock’s promotion to Lieutenant comes following her service as direct supervisor over the interagency narcotics interdiction taskforce known as the Unified Narcotics Enforcement Team (UNET). As Lieutenant, she will take over as the RCPD’s Special Operations Lieutenant where she will oversee the management of the RCPD’s vehicle fleet and its involvement in special events throughout the city. Lt. Bock started her career with the RCPD in 1997, and has served as Detective, been assigned to UNET, and was both a Patrol Sergeant and the Special Operations Sergeant. Lt. Bock has her Bachelor’s Degree in Administration of Justice from the University of Wyoming.

Sgt. Tim Doyle – Following his seven years of service as a School Liaison Officer, Sgt. Doyle will be assigned to the RCPD’s Patrol Division as a Patrol Sergeant. He will be tasked with the direct supervision of officers during one of the RCPD’s four daily 10-hour shifts. Sgt. Doyle started his career with the RCPD in 2007.  Sgt. Doyle has his Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from SDSM&T.

Sgt. Jeff McCoy – After serving as a Senior Officer within the RCPD’s Patrol Division, Sgt. McCoy will continue his service in the RCPD’s Patrol Division as a Patrol Sergeant. He will be tasked with the direct supervision of officers during one of the RCPD’s four daily 10-hour shifts. Sgt. McCoy began his career with the RCPD in 2010, and was assigned as a Detective in 2015.  He returned to Patrol in April of this year.  Sgt. McCoy received his Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from Hannibal-LaGrange College. 

Sgt. Kathleen Phillips - Following her service as a Detective, Sgt. Phillips will be assigned to the RCPD’s Patrol Division as a Patrol Sergeant. Sgt. Phillips started with the RCPD in 2006 and has been assigned as a Detective in the Criminal Investigations Division since 2012.  Sgt. Phillips has her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Ferris State University.

“Promotions are always an exciting time for the RCPD,” says Chief Jegeris. “They allow for a healthy amount of change and growth within our agency, and I’m excited to see what fresh ideas our new management team has for the continued safety and prosperity of our great community.”

All transitions coming as a result of these promotions will be finalized by October 1st

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