Welcome to RapidMap, the Rapid City - Pennington County Internet Mapping Site
By entering the RapidMap Interactive Map Viewer, you acknowledge that you have read the entire disclaimer below and agree to its terms.
These sites will work on most mobile devices, although some of the buttons and functions are not available on mobile devices because of their limited functionality and resources. These sites are offered as a free service without technical support. The GIS Division is unable to offer support beyond instructions on site use.
You can access the documentation for RapidMap here.
RapidMap - Land parcels, aerial photos, address points, and lots of other map information |
Click here to launch RapidMap |
Imagery - Map containg the latest 2023 imagery of the Rapid City area. |
Click here to download Imagery |
1972 Flood Commemoration Map - An interactive map to help users to explore the sites of the 1972 Flood. |
Click here to launch 1972 Rapid City Flood site |
Rapid City Collection Days - An interactive map showing Rapid City Landfill Collection Days |
Click here to launch Rapid City Collection Days site |
Survey Points - Rapid City area survey points | Click here to launch the Survey Points site | |
Pennington Outdoors Site
Click here to launch the Pennington Outdoors site | |
Rapid City Road Construction Site
Click here to launch the Rapid City Road Construction Site | |
Pennington County Voting Information |
Wildfire Risk Assessment Map |
New data is loaded onto the site every weekday morning between 6:00 and 7:00am Mountain Time. The sites may be unavailable during this period.
Training for RapidMap at your site is available - please call 605-716-3654 for more information.
This GIS Data is to be used for reference purposes only and is provided “as is” without warranty of any representation of accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. The burden for determining accuracy, completeness, and timeliness rests solely on the user, and the City of Rapid City is not responsible for misinterpretation or misuse. Rapid City and Pennington County make no warranties, express or implied, as to the Data or its use. Rapid City and Pennington County do not make any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The user acknowledges and accepts the limitations of the Data and understands that the Data is dynamic and is in a constant state of maintenance, correction, and update.
These map documents do not represent a legal survey of the land, and the GIS Data included on this page is intended for broad planning purposes only and should not be solely relied upon for any decision making.
Contractors and landowners planning their own excavation activities are required to notify South Dakota One-Call, and viewing the GIS Data on this application does not satisfy one’s obligation to contact South Dakota One-Call. The City of Rapid City provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete.
There are no restrictions on the distribution of printed maps, other than the City of Rapid City copyright/credit notice must be legible in the print.