The City of Rapid City maintains a listing of technical consulting firms or professional technical consultants interested in furnishing services. A Statement of Interest must be submitted to be considered in furnishing these services. A list of documents pertaining to providing services tot he City of Rapid City are listed below.
pdf Consultant Selection Policy Statement (52 KB)
pdf Categories for Technical Services (20 KB)
List Of Consultants Submitting A Statement of Interest
(98 KB)
pdf Contractor Pay Estimate Due Dates (43 KB)
Request for Statement of Interest
The City of Rapid City is soliciting “Statements of Interest” from professional technical consultants or technical consulting firms interested in furnishing services for public infrastructure projects. A public infrastructure project is defined as: any public funded project requiring technical consulting services that is assigned to or sponsored by a City Contracting Agency including all departments, boards, authorities, or commissions authorized by the Rapid City Common Council. The consultant or consulting firm is invited to submit a Statement of Interest if interested in furnishing these services to the respective City Contracting Agencies.
The categories for technical consultant services include, but are not limited to the following:
A. Sewer Collection Design
B. Water Distribution Design
C. Storm Sewer Facility / Design
D. Geotechnical Engineering – Materials Testing
E. Surveying and Mapping
F. Local Street Design
G. Urban Systems Street Design
H. Geometric Design
I. Signalization and Street Lighting Treatment
J. Wastewater Treatment Facility Design
K. Water Treatment / Supply Facility Design
L. Planning Needs Analysis and Master Plan Preparation for
1. Water System
2. Wastewater System
3. Solid Waste Disposal
4. Parks Facilities
5. Storm Drainage System
6. Streets and Traffic
7. Land Use
8. Landscaping
M. Buildings and Support Facilities
N. Mechanical and Electrical Design
O. Bridge Design
P. Construction Management
Q. Control System Design
R. Landscape Architecture
The “Policy Statement for Technical Consultant Selection Process” is available above or may be obtained at the Public Works Department, 300 6th Street, Rapid City, SD 57701.
Additional Information
A. Consultants Who No Longer Wish to Provide These Services
Consultants who have previously submitted a Statement of Interest and no longer wish to be considered for these services should send a letter to the Public Works Director, at the above address, so stating. Those consultants will be removed from the Consultant List and will not be considered for solicitation of services. A list of consultants who have submitted a Statement of Interest can be found by clicking this link.
B. Consultants Who Have Previously Submitted a Statement of Interest
Consultants who have previously submitted a Statement of Interest to the City of Rapid City Public Works Department and wish to continue to be considered to provide these services are not required to resubmit their Statement of Interest. However, consultants are strongly encouraged to update their Statement of Interest or submit a new Statement of Interest to ensure the City of Rapid City is aware of the services provided by each firm requesting consideration. A new Statement of Interest must contain all the information listed in Section C below. The consultant shall clearly state in a cover letter if they are updating their existing Statement of Interest or if this is a new submittal which supersedes all previous submittals. All old submittals will be discarded if a new Statement of Interest is submitted. A list of consultants who have submitted a Statement of Interest can be found by clicking this link.
All firms, regardless of their previous submittals, must complete and submit to the Public Works Director a completed “Categories for Technical Services” form that can be found by clicking this link. pdf (Categories for Technical Services) (20 KB) This completed form can be mailed to the Public Works Administrative Coordinator at the above address or e-mailed in electronic form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
C. Consultants Who Have Not previously Submitted a Statement of Interest
Consultants who have not previously submitted a Statement of Interest and who are interested in provided consulting services to the City of Rapid City must submit, as a minimum, the following information:
- A statement of current status of professional registration of consulting firm and of principal members of firm with South Dakota Board of Technical Professions;
- A certificate of insurance including errors and omissions executed by the insurance carrier’s authorized agent;
- A definitive statement of the firm’s current qualified areas of service;
- A statement of types of projects and services for which consultant is requesting consideration;
- Location of office where work will be done and name of responsible person in charge of City contract work.
Statements of Interest and supporting documentation should be directed to the Public Works Department at 300 6th Street, Rapid City, SD 57701.