Engineering Services


Main Office:

300 6th Street
Rapid City, SD 57701

Phone: (605) 394-4154

Office Hours:

7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday

Additional availability by appointment only.

Plan, organize, and direct the engineering services related to the master planning, development, maintenance, and improvement of Rapid City's infrastructure.

  • Maintain traffic control systems through the Traffic Operations Group.

  • Maintain multi-layered mapping resources through the Geographic Information Systems Group.

  • Review development plans to ensure adherence to City specifications and design criteria.

  • Design and manage capital improvement projects for the City’s street, storm sewer, water production and distribution, and water reclamation infrastructure systems.

  • Provide construction inspection and oversight for all public and private infrastructure projects.

Rapid City Road Construction Updates

Current Bid Openings 

Bid Tabulations:

Applications / Permits:

Capital Improvement Plan (2023-2028)

Stormwater Management Plan

Drainage Basin Design Plans

2012 Infrastructure Design Criteria Manual

Consultant Information

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