The Support Services Division is comprised of several different sections: Records, Training, Recruitment and Hiring, Community Relations, Accreditation, and Crime Analysis. Captain Andy Becker commands the Support Services Division.
The Records Section is responsible for the retention of police records, as well as the release of information to the public, courts, other law enforcement agencies and insurance companies.
The records Section is also responsible for data entry, storage, indexing, filing, retrieval, preservation, distribution, retention, and destruction of all police records. Learn more about Police Records.
The Training Administrator oversees recruiting, testing and hiring of new officers. The Training Administrator is the immediate supervisor for new officers during their recruit training period of approximately 5 months. The Training Administrator also oversees a training committee arranging monthly in-service training for current employees. Officers receive 80 hours of in-service training each year, in addition to any specialized training they may attend.
Community Relations
The Community Relations Specialist serves as the liaison between the RCPD and the public. This is accomplished with the timely release of information about police incidents that affect the daily lives of the citizens of Rapid City. The CRS also promote awareness of the RCPD's activities to improve the community we serve. Additional responsibilities include managing the department's social networking sites and coordinating employee recruitment activities.
Crime Analysis
The department's Statistical Crime Analyst is responsible for collecting and analyzing crime data from a wide variety of sources and turning that into information that will benefit the department, other agencies, and the local community in preventing and reducing crime.
The Accreditation Office works year-round to maintain the Rapid City Police Department's status as a CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) accredited agency. The RCPD has maintained its CALEA accreditation since 1991, and is the only accredited law enforcement agency in the State of South Dakota. CALEA accreditation means our agency meets the rigorous standards set forth by CALEA. These international standards represent the most progressive and proven policies a police agency can maintain.
Police Chaplains
The Police Chaplains are an assembly of clergy members who volunteer their time to the Police Department and community for police related functions and events. Their services are beneficial in a variety of situations including ceremonies, death notifications, and other related chaplain duties as requested. Each of the clergy represents various faiths within Pennington and Meade County.