Crime Prevention

Tip 411 Crime Tips
Fight crime with your fingertips using Tip411. Now you can send an anonymous crime tip to police, either by text message or using a secure online form. The service removes your identifying information, including phone number or IP address, to make your tip completely anonymous. 
Text a tip:
  • Text 'RCPD' and your tip to 847411.
  • Police may respond to ask for more information. Simply text back 'stop' at any time to end the conversation.

Submit a tip online:

Download the app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch:

Download the app for Android:

The program is not monitored 24/7. In an emergency situation or to report a crime in progress, call 911. There is no charge to text your tip to police, but standard text messaging rates from your wireless provider may apply.
Neighborhood Watch Groups
There are several Neighborhood Watch groups operating in Rapid City. For more information, contact your Sector Lieutenant.
More info from National Neighborhood Watch can be found at USAonWatch and
Partnership with Apartment Managers
The Rapid City Police Department partners with management of apartment complexes, mobile home parks, and hotels in order to better facilitate a reduction of crime in those residential areas. It’s a multi-faceted and proactive approach to reducing crime in Rapid City.

Managers of these types of residential locations can expect to learn concepts specifically designed to reduce crime in their properties. This is facilitated in a variety of ways, including special-design, surveillance, and access control. Managers will receive education on active property management.

To get started, contact Police Administration at 605-394-4133.


Community-Based Crime Reduction

The Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Program, formerly the Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) program, supports data-driven, comprehensive, and community-oriented strategies to reduce crime in neighborhoods with hot spots of serious and violent crime. Through a broad cross-sector partnership team, including neighborhood residents, grantees employ a wide range of crime prevention and intervention strategies to address the conditions, including physical conditions, which contribute to crime in these areas.

The BCJI model is based on the principle that sustainable reductions in serious and violent crime require collaboration among partners in the criminal justice system, service providers, and the communities they serve. The Rapid City BCJI project focuses on North Rapid City where a majority of our community’s violent crime is reported and on vulnerable populations like at-risk youth and houseless individuals and families.


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