The Rapid City Police Department takes an active role in the community, and seeks leadership roles in various community programs to show its dedication to the citizens of Rapid City.
Cruiser Car Show & Street Fair
The Cruiser Car Show & Street Fair is a family event held every July in conjunction with Destination Rapid City. During the 2014 event, more than 400 cars lined up downtown. Thousands of people looked at the cars and enjoyed food, live music, a K9 demo, and other activities at Main Street Square. This year's event is scheduled for Sunday, July 12, 2015. Click here to register your ride today!
Guns 'n Hoses
The annual Guns 'n Hoses blood drive pits the Rapid City Police Department against the Rapid City Fire Department in a battle for the most blood donations. Held each June, the event is the region's largest community blood drive. The community's support and donations are greatly appreciated!
This ear's event is scheduled June 23 - 25, 11:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. and June 26th 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Rushmore Mall. The RCPD won the 9th annual Guns 'n Hoses competition in June 2014, just barely pulling ahead of the Fire Department. More than 700 donors came out to donate life-saving blood for our community. Everyone receives a free t-shirt (and cookie!) for donating.
Special Olympics
Special Olympics is an international program of sports training and competition for children and adults with mental disabilities. Law enforcement works to raise funds for Special Olympians needing financial assistance to participate. Events like the Law Enforcement Torch Run and Polar Plunge bring in thousands of dollars for Special Olympics annually. All funds raised from the Law Enforcement Torch Run are used to help individuals in South Dakota.
Authentic Youth Civic Engagement (AYCE) challenges youth and adults to work together to build a better community. The AYCE City Team is focused on building partnerships to allow young people to contribute to the operation and decision-making within city government. The team is working to build a Community Policing and Youth Partnership to increase communication and understanding between the RCPD and local youth.
Graffiti Eradication Project
The Rapid City Police Department continues its successful program to eliminate gang graffiti from the city. Police Department employees and other City Department staff routinely paint out gang signs from the exteriors of buildings in the downtown area in an effort to combat any visible presence of gangs in the city.
The Police Department and the Pennington County Sheriff's Office feel strongly about the presence of gang graffiti in the community and work together to combat the problem using both law enforcement and community resources. Many local city, state, and private organizations contribute to the Graffiti Eradication Project by donating time, equipment, supplies and volunteers.