AFSCME Labor Management Committee

In order to achieve the parties desire to foster a better relationship through improved communication, the Labor-Management/Safety Committee is hereby created. The committee shall meet quarterly or upon request by either management or the Union, as needed. It is understood that such meetings will be held for the purpose of appraising and discussing any problems which may arise concerning administration, interpretation, or application of the Agreement, or other matters which either party believes will contribute to improving the relationship of the parties within the framework of this Agreement. It is understood that such meetings shall not be for the purpose of handling formal grievances, or conducting continuous collective bargaining negotiations which in any way will modify, add to, or detract from the provisions of this Agreement. In agreeing to such meetings, the parties are providing concrete evidence of their sincere desire to encourage friendly, cooperative relationships between their respective representatives at all levels and with and between all employees covered by this Agreement, and to find ways to overcome difficulties, influences, or attitudes which interfere with such relationships.

This committee shall also be the means of handling problems concerning the safety of working conditions. Each of the parties recognizes the importance of protecting the health, safety, and lives of the City's employees, and the City will make every effort to improve working conditions in order to promote the health and safety of the City's employees.


 Notes from previous meetings can be viewed HERE

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