Director: Vicki Fisher
Division Manager: Anna Gilligan
Main Office:
300 Sixth Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
Telephone: 605-394-6098
The Parking Enforcement Division educates the public on the City’s parking ordinances, enforces the parking regulations and serves as an advocate for continued development in downtown Rapid City. Parking management is integral to commerce, and parking enforcement facilitates movement in the parking spaces downtown encouraging the economic activity that supports our local businesses and community. The Parking Enforcement Division utilizes an advanced software system to monitor parking that is metered, permitted and/or time restricted. The Division also manages and maintains several City-owned parking lots and the downtown parking structure. The Parking Enforcement Division provides support service to the Parking Advisory Board, which is comprised of Rapid City residents and business owners, to address parking problems and to make policy recommendations as the parking needs of the downtown area continue to grow.
Downtown Parking Information Website
Ordinance Establishing General Parking Regulations
Parking Advisory Board Information
NEW!! Downtown Parking Brochure - 2025