ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - Accessory Dwelling Units
An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a second dwelling unit on a single family lot that has its own eating, sleeping, and sanitation facilities. Rapid City’s Comprehensive Plan recommends that ADU’s be allowed in residential neighborhoods in conjunction with clear standards to guide size, occupancy limitations, etc. as a way to diversity the mix of housing in our community. An ordinance to allow ADU's in Rapid City was adopted in December of 2019.
Short Term Rentals
Short term rentals, also known as vacation homes, are not currently allowed in the City limits unless the operator has a Conditional Use Permit for a bed and breakfast facility. The City will be bringing forward an ordinance amendment to permit this use in the community while taking into account effects they can have on the community. The ordinance will be developed with stakeholder and community input opportunities. Updates will be posted here.
Oversized Garages
The Rapid City Municipal Code regulates limits the size of a “Private Garage” to 1,500 square feet of 30% of the size of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit, whichever is greater (RCMC 17.04.315) Garages which do not meet this requirement need approval of a Conditional Use Permit in order to be constructed. City staff have noted an increase in the requests for Oversize Garages over the last several years, most of which are approved by the Planning Commission. A change to the code requirements for garage size is being evaluated in order to respond to community desires for increased residential storage areas and to allow staff time to be redirected toward other important projects. Updates will be posted here.