Zoning Board of Adjustment - Agenda #1
City of Rapid City Planning Commission – Agenda #2
(228 KB)
January 9, 2025 - 7:00 A.M.
City Council Meeting Room
300 Sixth Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
(Doors Open 15 minutes prior to meeting time)
Zoning Board of Adjustment begins at 7:00 A.M. and is directly followed by Planning Commission. If there are no items for Zoning Board of Adjustment Planning Commission will begin at 7:00 A.M.
City of Rapid City Zoning Board of Adjustment
January 9, 2025 -7:00 A.M.
1. No. 24VA017 - Section 22, T2N, R7E
A request by Avid4 Engineering, Inc for Black Hills Corp. to consider an application for a Variance request to allow gravel drive aisles in lieu of concrete or asphalt for the NW1/4 of Section 22, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located northeast of the intersection of Deadwood Avenue N and Tatanka Road.
Staff recommends approval of the Variance request to allow gravel drive aisles in lieu of concrete or asphalt with the stipulations outlined in the Project Report.
2. Staff and Zoning Board of Adjustment Items
City of Rapid City Planning Commission
January 9, 2025 - 7:00 A.M.
Consent Calendar
The following items have been placed on the Consent Calendar for action to be taken on all items in accordance with staff’s recommendation by a single vote. Any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by any Planning Commissioner, staff member, or audience member, for separate consideration:
1. Approval of the pdf December 5, 2024 (254 KB) Planning Commission Meeting Minutes.
2. No. 24PL096 - Shepherd Hills West Subdivision
A request by Advanced Design Engineering and Surveying, Inc for Villa Village Mobile Home Park, LLC to consider an application for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lot 2 of Block 2 of Shepherd Hills West Subdivision, property generally described as being located at 390 Creek Drive.
Staff recommends the Preliminary Subdivision Plan be continued to the January 23, 2025 Planning Commission Meeting.
3. No. 24PL113 - Black Hills Industrial Center Subdivision
A request by Advanced Design Engineering and Surveying, Inc for Black Hills Industrial Center, LLC to consider an application for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 4-6 of Block 3, Lot 1 and drainage lot of Block 4 of Black Hills Industrial Center Subdivision, property generally described as being located lying west of Old Folsom Road.
Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan with stipulations outlined in the Staff Report.
4. No. 24PL114 - Shepherd Hills Subdivision
A request by Advanced Design Engineering and Surveying, Inc for BH Capital LLC to consider an application for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 77 thru 93 of Block 2, Lots 6 thru 7 of Block 5, Lots 1 thru 5 of Block 6, Lots 1 thru 6 of Block 7, Lot 1 of Block 8, Lots 1 thru 48 of Block 10, Lots 1 thru 26 of Block 11 and dedicated public right-of-way of Shepherd Hills Subdivision, property generally described as being located at the intersection of N. Valley Drive and E. Philadelphia Street.
Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan with stipulations outlined in the Staff Report.
5. No. 24PL112 - Auburn Hills Subdivision
A request by Longbranch Civil Engineering, Inc for Doeck, LLC to consider an application for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 32 thru 34 of Block 10, Lots 11 thru 20 of Block 18, Lots 1 thru 10 of Block 19, Lots 2 thru 7 of Block 20 of Auburn Hills Subdivision, proposed generally described as being located south of Bunker Drive and Cobalt Drive.
Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan with stipulations outlined in the Staff Report.
6. No. 24RZ023 - Auburn Hills Subdivision
A request by Longbranch Civil Engineering, Inc for Doeck, LLC to consider an application for a Rezoning request from General Agricultural District to Low Density Residential District 1 for property generally described as being located south of Cobalt Drive and west of Bunker Drive.
Staff recommends approval of the Rezoning request from General Agricultural District to Low Density Residential District 1
7. No. 24RZ024 - Cambell Square Addition
A request by Michael Frybarger to consider an application for a Rezoning request from Light Industrial District to General Commercial District for property generally described as being located southeast of E. Highway 44 between Cambell Street and Creek Drive.
Staff recommends approval of the Rezoning request from Light Industrial District to General Commercial District.
*8. No. 24PD023 - Gateway Business Park Subdivision
A request by Terishka Franco for Granite Automotive Group to consider an application for a Revocation of a Planned Development Designation for property generally described as being located southeast of the intersection of E. Mall Drive and Outfitter Road.
Staff recommends approval of the Revocation of a Planned Development Designation.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
*9. No. 24PD027 - Harley-Davidson Subdivision
A request by Chamberlin Architects to consider an application for a Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow a storage building for property generally described as being located at 2820 Harley Drive.
Staff recommends approval of the Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow a storage building with stipulations outlined in the Project Report.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
10. No. 24VR003 - Original Town of Rapid City
A request by Renner Associates, LLC for Pennington County to consider an application for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for property more generally described as being located at 307 St. Joseph Street.
Staff recommends approval of the Vacation of Right-of-Way.
*11. No. 24UR026 - Original Town of Rapid City
A request by Happy Family Co. to consider an application for a Major Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to expand on-sale liquor in conjunction with a restaurant for property generally described as being located at 514, 516 and 518 Mt. Rushmore Road and 724 St. Joseph Street.
Staff recommends approval of the Major Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to expand on-sale liquor in conjunction with a restaurant with stipulations outlined in the Project Report.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
*12. No. 24PD024 - Tuscany at the Cliffs
A request by Doug Bell for Tuscany Properties LLC to consider an application for a Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow construction of a townhome for property generally described as being located at 3732 and 3722 Tuscany Place.
Staff recommends approval of the Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow construction of a townhome with stipulations in the Project Report.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
*13. No. 24PD025 - Black Hills Center
A request by Kristina Hostetler to consider an application for a Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow a building expansion and modifications to the parking lot for property generally described as being located 100 Stumer Road.
Staff recommends approval of the Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow a building expansion and modifications to the parking lot with stipulations outlined in the Project Report.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
*14. No. 24PD026 - Shepherd Hills South Subdivision
A request by Advanced Design Engineering and Surveying, Inc for Shepherd Hills Commons Phase II LLC to consider an application for a Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow phase 2 of an apartment complex for property generally described as being located at 2320 E. Anamosa Street.
Staff recommends approval of the Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow phase 2 of an apartment complex with stipulations outlined in the Project Report.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
*15. No. 24UR025 - Original Town of Rapid City
A request by First Presbyterian Church to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a mission for property generally described as being located at 710 Kansas City Street.
If the Planning Commission approves the Conditional Use Permit to allow a mission, Staff recommends the stipulations noted in the Project Report.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
16. Staff and Planning Commission Discussion Items