Zoning Board of Adjustment - Agenda #1
City of Rapid City Planning Commission – Agenda #2
(34 KB)
December 10, 2020- 7:00 A.M.
City Council Meeting Room
300 Sixth Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
Zoning Board of Adjustment begins at 7:00 A.M. and is directly followed by Planning Commission. If there are no items for Zoning Board of Adjustment Planning Commission will begin at 7:00 A.M.
City of Rapid City Zoning Board of Adjustment
December 10, 2020 - 7:00 A.M.
Notice is hereby given that the Rapid City Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 7:00 a.m. in the City Council Meeting Room at 300 6th Street, Rapid City, SD has been cancelled as there are no items for review.
City of Rapid City Planning Commission
December 10, 2020 - 7:00 A.M.
Consent Calendar
The following items have been placed on the Consent Calendar for action to be taken on all items in accordance with staff’s recommendation by a single vote. Any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by any Planning Commissioner, staff member, or audience member, for separate consideration:
1. Approval of the November 25, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes.
2. No. 20OA006 - Ordinance Amendment to amend Chapter 17.18 of the Rapid City Municipal Code
A request by City of Rapid City to consider an application for an Ordinance Amendment to amend Chapter 17.18 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Staff recommends approval of the Ordinance to amend Chapter 17.18 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
3. No. 20AN003 - 1314 N. Elk Vale Road
A request by Atlantis LLC to consider an application for a Petition of De-Annexation for Lot B of Lot 1 Revised of Atlantis Subdivision, located in the SW1/4 of Section 27, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located in Atlantis Subdivision.
Staff recommends approving the de-annexation request contingent on Council’s approval of the “Agreement Between the City of Rapid City, the City of Box Elder, and Atlantis, LLC for De-annexation, Annexation, and Development of Property.”
*4. No. 20PD032 - 100 Saint Joseph Street
A request by KTM Design Solutions, Inc for The Elements LLC to consider an application for a Final Planned Development Overlay to allow a mixed use structure in the Urban Commercial District for Lot 17 thru 32 and the S1/2 of vacated alley adjacent to said Lots of Block 89 of Original Town of Rapid City, located in Section 1, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located in Original Town of Rapid City.
Staff recommends approval of the Final Planned Development Overlay with stipulations as noted in the Project Report.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
*5. No. 20UR024 - 516 and 518 Mt. Rushmore Road
A request by Justin M. Warner to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an on-sale liquor establishment in conjunction with a restaurant for Lots 17 thru 22 of Block 83 of Original Town of Rapid City, located in Section 1, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located in Original Town of Rapid City.
Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit to allow on-sale liquor in conjunction with a restaurant with stipulation(s) as noted in the Project Report.
The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Development by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.
6. No. 20TI006 - Located east of E North Street, north of SD Highway 44, west of Elk Vale and south of Eglin Street
A request by Dream Design International, Inc for Yasmeen Dream, LLC to consider an application for a Resolution to Create TID and Approve a Project Plan for the E Anamosa Street Water Extension for Lot A, Lot B, Lot C, Lot G and Lot H of the North Valley Park Subdivision; the Unplatted Balance of N1/2NE1/4 less Lots H2, H3, H4, less RR ROW and less ROW; the S1/2NE1/4 less Menard Sub less North Valley Park Sub; Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Block 1, Lot A1, Lot A2, and Lot A3 of Block 2, Lots 1-17 of Block 3 and Lots 1-3 of Block 4, all of the Shepherd Hills Subdivision; Lot 1 of Block 1 and Lot 1 of Block 2 of the Shepherd Hills West Subdivision; the NE1/4SW1/4 less Menard Subd, less Shepherd Hills Subd, less Shepherd Hills West Subd, and less ROW; the NW1/4SE1/4SW1/4 less Lot H1; the SE1/4SE1/4; the SW1/4SE1/4; the NE1/4SE1/4 less W400 Ft; the NW1/4SE1/4 less Menard Subd, less Shepherd Hills Subd, and less ROW; the W400 Ft of NE1/4SE1/4 less Shepherd Hills Subd and less ROW; and all H lots and dedicated right-of-way adjacent to said lots, all located in Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; and the S1/2NW1/4 less N160 ft of the SW1/4NW1/4; the SW1/4; the SE1/4SE1/4 less Lot H1 and Lot H2 and less ROW; the N1/2SE1/4 less Lot H1 and Lot H2 and less ROW, and the SW1/4SE1/4; and all H lots and dedicated right-of-way adjacent to said lots, all located in Section 33, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; and the E910 Ft of GL 4; Lot A of NW1/4SW1/4; the E312 Ft of SW1/4NW1/4 less Diamond Ridge Subd and less ROW, the E312 Ft of the N536 Ft of NW1/4SW1/4 less Diamond Ridge Subd and less ROW, the E312 Ft of SW1/4NW1/4 less Diamond Ridge Subd and less ROW; GL 3 less Copperfield Vistas Subd and less ROW; GL 2 less Rushmore Business Park less Lots H3, H7, H8 and ROW, the W660 Ft of GL 1 less Rushmore Business Park and less Lots H6 and H8, the N1081.18 Ft of SW1/4NE1/4 less Rushmore Business Park less Lots H2, H3, H4, H9 and ROW; and GL 1 less the W660 Ft less Shortcut Subd and less Lots H2 and H5, SE1/4NE1/4 less W660 Ft of N1081.18 Ft less Lots H2, H3, less Rushmore Regional Industrial Park and less Hilltop Business Park Subd; Lot 1 of Block 1 of the Shortcut Subdivision; Lot 1, Lots 10A-B, Lots 11-18 and Park Tract of Block 7, Lots 3-8 of Block 8, Lots 1-5 of Block 9, Lots 1A-B, 2A-B, 3A-B and Lots 14-23 of Block 10, Lots 1A-B, 2A-B, 3A-B, 4A-B, 5A-B, 6A-B, 7A-7B, 8A-B and Sign Lot of Block 11, Lots 1A-B of Block 12 of the Copperfield Vistas Subdivision; Lots 1-26 of Block 1, Lots 2-26 of Block 2, Lot 1 and Lot A2 of Block 3, Lot 1 of Block 4, Lot 1 of Block 5, and Lot A and Lot B, all of Diamond Ridge Subdivision; Lot A-B of Block 3, Lot 1R, 3R, 4R and Lot 5 of Block 4, and Lot 1 of Block 5, all of Rushmore Business Park; GL4 less E910 Ft; the SW1/4NW1/4 less E312 Ft and less Diamond Ridge Subd, and the NW1/4SW1/4 less E312 Ft of N536 Ft, less Lot A, and less Diamond Ridge Subd; and all H lots and dedicated right-of-way adjacent to said lots, all located in Section 4, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; andthe NE1/4 of Govt Lot 1 (NE1/4NE1/4NE1/4) of Section 5, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being in Sections 32 and 33 of T2N and Sections 4 and 5 of T1N, R8E.
The TIF Committee determined that the proposal met the intent of the TIF Policy and directed staff to develop the associated Project Plan (as identified in the TIF Policy) for presentation to the Planning Commission for review and approval. Staff recommends approval of the resolutions to create the proposed tax increment district and the associated project plan to complete the critical water distribution system components and the associated construction projects as identified in the Project Plan
7. Discussion Items
8. Staff Items
9. Planning Commission Items
Effective May 1, 2017, digital media submissions must be provided at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting where the material will be presented. Digital media items can be submitted to the appropriate department division at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. For Monday's Council meetings, the item should be provided no later than Friday at 5 p.m. The City reserves the right to reject any items for presentation due to digital compatibility issues or content appropriateness.