2017 09 21 Zoning Board of Adjustment and City of Rapid City Planning Commission Agenda

  pdf Zoning Board of Adjustment - Agenda #1 and
City of Rapid City Planning Commission – Agenda #2 (33 KB)

September 21, 2017- 7:00 A.M.
City Council Meeting Room
300 Sixth Street
Rapid City, SD 57701

Zoning Board of Adjustment begins at 7:00 A.M. and is directly followed by Planning Commission. If there are no items for Zoning Board of Adjustment Planning Commission will begin at 7:00 A.M.


City of Rapid City Zoning Board of Adjustment
September 21, 2017 - 7:00 A.M.

1. Approval of pdf August 10, 2017 (72 KB) Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes

2. No. 17VA009 - Dakota Subdivision #1
A request by Lorene Triebwasser to consider an application for a Variance to reduce front yard setback for an accessory structure from 35 feet to 5 feet and the side yard setback from 8 feet to 3 feet for property generally described as being located at 524 Mall Drive

Staff recommends that the requested Variance be denied.

3. Discussion Items

4. Staff Items

5. Zoning Board of Adjustment Items


City of Rapid City Planning Commission
September 21, 2017 - 7:00 A.M.


Consent Calendar
The following items have been placed on the Consent Calendar for action to be taken on all items in accordance with staff’s recommendation by a single vote. Any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by any Planning Commissioner, staff member, or audience member, for separate consideration:


1. Approval of the  pdf September 7, 2017 (59 KB) Planning Commission Meeting Minutes.

2. No. 17PL040 - South Terrace Subdivision
A request by KTM Design Solutions, Inc for Catron Blvd Investors, LLC to consider an application for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots A thru D, Lots 1 thru 20 of Block 2, Lots 1 thru 15 of Block 3, Lots 1 thru 20 of Block 4, Lots 1 thru 20 of Block 5, Lots 1 thru 37 of Block 6 , Lots 1 thru 9 of Block 7, Lots 1 thru 5 of Block 8 and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 9 of South Terrace Subdivision, more generally described as being located southeast of Catron Boulevard east of Mount Rushmore Road.

Staff recommends that the Preliminary Subdivision Plan be approved with the stipulations outlined in the Staff Report.

*3. No. 17PD044 - Buffalo Crossing Subdivision
A request by KTM Design Solution, Inc. for Buffalo East LLC to consider an application for a Final Planned Development Overlay to allow a residential development for property generally described as being located northeast of the intersection of Addison Way and Healing Way.

Staff recommends that the Final Planned Development Overlay to allow the construction of 2 townhome units and 15 single family residences be approved with the stipulations noted in the Project Report.

The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Planning & Development Services by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.

4. No. 17RZ026 - Flormann
A request by Scott Hadcock for Deb N Hads Investments, LLC to consider an application for a Rezoning from Park Forest to Medium Density Residential District for property generally described as being located at 1212 Silverleaf Avenue.

Staff recommends that the Rezoning request from Park Forest District to Medium Density Residential District be continued to the October 26, 2017 Planning Commission meeting.

5. No. 17RZ027 - Flormann
A request by Scott Hadcock for Deb N Hads Investments, LLC to consider an application for a Rezoning from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential District for property generally described as being located at 1220 Silverleaf Avenue.

Staff recommends that the Rezoning request from Low Density Residential District to Medium Density Residential District be continued to the October 26, 2017 Planning Commission meeting.

6. No. 17RZ028 - Section 2, T2N, R8E
A request by DTH, LLC to consider an application for a Rezoning from Agricultural District to Light Industrial District for property generally described as being located east of Dyess Avenue.

Staff recommends that the Rezoning request from General Agricultural District to Light Industrial District be approved.

*7. No. 17UR020 - Marlin Drive Commercial Park
A request by Morton Buildings, Inc. to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a mini-storage facility for property generally described as being located at 2204 Marlin Drive.

Staff recommends that the Conditional Use Permit to allow a mini-storage be approved with the stipulation(s) noted in the Project Report.

The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Planning & Development Services by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.



8. No. 17TI003 - Section 5, T1N, R8E
A request by Creek Drive Apartments, LLC to consider an application for a Resolution Creating the East St. Charles Housing Tax Increment District and Resolution approving the Project Plan for property generally described as being located in the northwest corner of the intersection of Creek Drive and E. St. Patrick Street.

Staff recommends acknowledging applicants withdrawal.

*9. No. 17PD035 - Moon Meadows #2 Subdivision
A request by KTM Design Solutions, Inc for KBR, LLC to consider an application for an Initial and Final Planned Development Overlay to construct a hotel for property generally described as being located in the northeast corner of the intersection of Mount Rushmore Road and Moon Meadows Drive.

Staff recommends that the Initial and Final Planned Development Overlay to construct a hotel be approved with the stipulations noted in the Project Report.

The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Planning & Development Services by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.

*10. No. 17PD043 - Skyview North Subdivision
A request by Kennedy Design Group Inc for Dave Kulish to consider an application for a Major Amendment to a Planned Development to allow a an oversize garage in the Low Density Residential District for property generally described as being located at 2049 Harney Drive.

Staff recommends that the Major Amendment to a Planned Development to allow an over-sized garage be approved with the stipulation(s) noted in the Project Report.

The Rapid City Planning Commission's action on this item is final unless any party appeals that decision to the Rapid City Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Community Planning & Development Services by close of business on the seventh full calendar day following action by the Planning Commission.

11. No. 17VR007 - Radio Towers Subdivision
A request by Shanon Vasknetz of Baseline Surveying for Rockne Rapp Trust to consider an application for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for property generally described as being located in the southeast corner of the intersection of E. Franklin Street and Cherry Avenue.

Staff recommends that the Vacation of Right-of-Way request for East Franklin Street be approved and the request for Cherry Avenue to be denied.

12. Discussion Items

13. Staff Items

14. Planning Commission Items

Effective May 1, 2017, digital media submissions must be provided at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting where the material will be presented. Digital media items can be submitted to the appropriate department division at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. For Monday's Council meetings, the item should be provided no later than Friday at 5 p.m. The City reserves the right to reject any items for presentation due to digital compatibility issues or content appropriateness.

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