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2022, 08/30 Public Works Committee Meeting

City of Rapid City, South Dakota
12:30 P.M. Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Roll Call and Determination of Quorum

Adoption of the Agenda

General Public Comment

A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.

CONSENT ITEMS – Items 1 – 16

Public Comment opened – Items 1 - 16
Public Comment closed

Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items

1) Approve minutes of August 09, 2022.


2) PW083022-01: Approve Change Order #3F to Heavy Constructors, Inc. for West Omaha Street Utilities, Project #16-2099, CIP #50904, for a decrease of $7,352.25.
3) PW083022-02: Approve Change Order #1 to Heavy Constructors, Inc. for Deadwood Ave Reconstruction Phase 1, Project #17-2375, CIP #50437.1, for an increase of $166,632.00.
4) PW083022-03: Approve Change Order #2 to R.C.S. Construction, Inc. for St Cloud Street Reconstruction Project 5th Street to Highland Court, Project #17-2487, CIP #51036, for an increase of $87.31.
5) PW083022-04: Approve Change Order #1F to Tru-Form Construction, Inc. for Pavement Rehabilitation Project W. St. Louis St., Project #20-2625, CIP #50549, for an increase of $10,246.11.
6) PW083022-05: Approve Change Order #1 to Layne Christensen Company for Well 11 Pump and Motor Replacement, Project #22-2717, CIP #51363, for an increase not to exceed $10,000.00.
7) PW083022-06: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for St. Patrick St. Reconstruction – Mt. Rushmore Rd. to 5th St., Project No. 20-2582 / CIP 51126. Estimated Cost $5,700,000.
8) PW083022-07: Request Advertising Authority for Block 75 Parking Ramp Maintenance Project #2689. Staff Recommendation: APPROVE WITH STIPULATIONS. Contingent upon approval of funding.
9) PW083022-08: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign Amendment Number 1 to SDDOT Agreement 717419 (Bridge Replacement Funding Agreement for structure number 52-375-296). San Marco Boulevard Bridge Replacement, Project No. 20-2581/CIP 51194.
10) PW083022-09: Authorized Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between the City of Rapid City and FMG Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for Racetrack Draw Drainage Basin Design Plan (DBDP) Update, Project No. 20-2628, CIP No. 51315
11) PW083022-10: Request from KTM Design Solutions, Inc. for an exception to allow more than 40 dwelling units along Cloud Peak Drive with only one point of access. Per Section 2.6 of the Infrastructure Design Criteria Manual (IDCM), a single access can only serve 40 dwelling units unless an exception is approved by City Council. Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
12) PW083022-11: Request from D.C. Scott Surveyor’s Inc on behalf of property owners, David and Joyce Whittington for a variance to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along Moon Meadows Drive, Rapid City, per City Ordinance 12.08.060. Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
13) PW083022-12: Authorize purchase of 2012 Caterpillar D7E RIPR Dozer from North Central Rental & Leasing LLC in the amount of $175,310.00 using Caterpillar Sourcewell Contract #032119-CAT.


14) PW083022-13: Authorize Mayor and Finance to sign Joint Powers Agreement with SD Game, Fish and Parks to receive state Habitat Stamps funds for Project PR20-6176 Canyon Lake Pond Walls Reconstruction.
15) PW083022-14: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Professional Services Agreement (Construction Administration Services) for Project PR20-6180 Dinosaur Park Accessibility Improvements


16) PW083022-15: Confirm the reappointments of Scott Kenner and Garth Wadsworth and the one year extension of the appointment of Clinton Beck to the Rapid City Area Air Quality Board.



Public Comment opened – Item 17
Public Comment closed


17) PW083022-16: Approve Resolution No. 2022-072, Resolution Adopting the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2022 Edition.
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE


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