City of Rapid City, South Dakota
12:30 P.M. Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Adoption of the Agenda
General Public Comment
A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.
Public Comment opened
Public Comment closed
CONSENT ITEMS – Items 1 – 15
Public Comment opened – Items 1 - 15
Public Comment closed
Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
1) Approve minutes of March 15, 2022.
2) PW032922-01: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign an Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Ferber Engineering Company, Inc. for Omaha and LaCrosse Street Intersection Utility Upgrades, Project No. 19-2488 / CIP No. 51212 in the amount of $61,200.00.
3) PW032922-02: Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to sign Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Black & Veatch Corporation for Master Planning Professional Services for the Water Utility System Master Plan Update / Model Recalibration, Project No 14-2141 / CIP 50817.
4) PW032922-03: Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Black & Veatch Corporation for Master Planning Professional Services for the Wastewater Utility System Master Plan Update/Model Recalibration, Project No. 14-2192 / CIP No. 50819.
5) PW032922-04: Approve Change Order #2 to Simon Contractors of SD, Inc. for 12th Street Reconstruction – West Main to Fulton Street, Project 19-2499 / CIP No. 50927, for an increase of $220,550.43
6) PW032922-05: Approve Change Order #3 to Simon Contractors of SD, Inc. for 12th Street Reconstruction – West Main to Fulton Street, Project 19-2499 / CIP No. 50927, for a decrease of $195,439.61.
7) PW032922-06: Approve Change Order #1F to Lind-Exco Inc. for Robbinsdale Phase 6 Parkview Reconstruction, Project 19-2517 / CIP No. 51232-B, for a decrease of $144,934.69.
8) PW032922-07: Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Adams Street Water Main - West Blvd North Through Allen Ave, Project No. 19-2530 / CIP No. 50960. Estimated Cost $600,000.
9) PW032922-08: Authorize Staff to Advertise Bids for Miscellaneous Improvements Projects - Facility Type and Fencing Improvements, Project No. 20-2608 / CIP 51132.4. Estimated Cost $6,000,000.00.
10) PW032922-09: Authorize staff to Advertise for Bids Project No. 2674 / CIP No. 51225 RC City Hall Air Handling Unit Replacement
11) PW032922-10: Authorize staff to advertise for bids of one (1) new current model year tandem axle dump truck valved for future plow. Estimated cost of $195,000. This will be a replacement to the fleet.
12) PW032922-11: Request to purchase two (2) new garbage truck chassis from Autocar through Sourcewell Cooperative contract# 060920-ATC in the amount of $172,038.00 each for a total purchase price of $344,076.00. The garbage truck bodies will be purchased separately.
13) PW032922-12: Request to purchase two (2) new garbage truck bodies from McNeilus through Sourcewell Cooperative contract# 091219-MCN in the amount of $173,040.00 each for a total purchase price of $346,082.00. The garbage truck chassis will be purchased separately.
14) PW032922-13: Request from Janelle L. Finck on behalf of owner Justin Kistler for a variance to waive the requirement to install sidewalk along 23040 Radar Hill Road and an ingress/egress easement, per City Ordinance 12.08.060.
Staff Recommendation: APPROVE
15) PW032922-14: Authorize Staff to Advertise a Request for Bids for the Annual Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Lease for Meadowbrook and Executive Golf Course.